 Sorry about the bad formatting. Corrected one is pasted and attched here.


| | | | | +---------<codegen>configuration files | | | +------<templates> templates only for c
 +------ <lib>
 |         |
 |         |
 |         +-------<codegen>
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<writer>   dll's for writers
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<extensions>  dll's for extensions
 +------ <bin>
 |        |
 |        |
 |        +-------<codegen>
                      +------w2c executable

Dimuthu Gamage wrote:

Thanks for your comment. Then I ll put that in to the subfolder named codegen inside lib and binaries in sameway inside bin. So the installed directory structure would be like this.

| | | +---------<codegen>configuration files | | | |
  |                             +------<templates>  templates only for c
  +------ <lib>
   |            |
   |            |
   |           +-------<codegen>
   |                            |
   |                            |
   |                           +------<writer>   dll's for writers
   |                            |
   |                            |
   |                           +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
   |                            |
   |                            |
   |                           +------<extensions>  dll's for extensions
  +------ <bin>
   |            |
   |            |
   |           +-------<codegen>
                             +------w2c executable


Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:

Given that the Java tool already does Java and C#, do we need those folders. I cannot see anyone form Java world using this C tool to generate Java code.

Also I am not sure of the install structure. Bacically the DLLs should go to the lib folder in $AXIS2C_HOME, not to seperate sub folders. conf files and templates should go into a folder named conf/codegen(or cg gor short)/templates folder.



Dimuthu Gamage wrote:

 Here is the directory structure inside the codegen source

  +-------<c> --- (c templates )
<util>-------this contain utility functions
  |          i.e: XSLT parser wrapper,
  |           configuration loaders,
  |           message loaders,
  |           command line option parsers,
  |           error messages collection,
  |           configuration file
<codegen>-+----classes for codgen engine
         |     (this would load the emitters
         |     and invoke emit according to
         |      command line options and configurations)
      <emitter> - libraries for emitters
         |        (this parse the wsdl ( using woden/c)
         |         and build the intermediate xml to
         |         with xslt
      <writer>----writer libraries for
         |        ( each xsl template related to one writer )
    <extension> - validators and customizations
                  from current configuration
After this is installed, installed components would be in following structure

This is also taken from WSDL2Java source  directory structure.
I hope this is ok. Anyway if I should change the structure, please give your feedback.


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  |          |                     
  |          |                                            
  |          +---------<codegen>configuration files
  |                       |     
  |                       +------<templates>  templates only for c
  +------ <lib>
  |         |
  |         |
  |         +-------<codegen>
  |                      |
  |                      |
  |                      +------<writer>   dll's for writers
  |                      |
  |                      |
  |                      +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
  |                      |
  |                      |
  |                      +------<extensions>  dll's for extensions
  +------ <bin>
  |        |
  |        |
  |        +-------<codegen>
                       +------w2c executable

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