On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Supun Kamburugamuva <supu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> There was an effort sometimes back to make the Axis2/C static build work.
> But unfortunately it was not completed.

You can refer that previous attempt from

> Supun.
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Nair, Anushree <anushree.n...@hp.com>wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> While working with Axis2/C I came across the following compile time
>> directive in the file
>> http_transport_sender.c
>> *AXIS2_EXPORT int*
>> *#ifndef AXIS2_STATIC_DEPLOY*
>> * axis2_get_instance(*
>> *#else*
>> *axis2_http_transport_sender_get_instance(*
>> *#endif*
>> *    struct axis2_transport_sender **inst,*
>> *    const axutil_env_t * env)*
>> This directive helps us statically bind the http_sender and axis2_engine
>> modules. However,
>> we have a linking issue while statically linking http_receiver and
>> axis2_engine. Even if we
>> try including the above directive in the http_receiver.c file, the problem
>> stays unresolved.
>> In a nutshell, I need a way to statically link the sender, receiver and
>> engine together.
>> Apart from this, why does the unix axis2/c go and load the sender and
>> receiver dlls when they
>> are statically linked with the engine. Does the same behavior get
>> reflected on the windows platform as well?
>> Regards,
>> Anushree

Dimuthu Gamage


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