Hi! Before I drop a bunch of question on you, I just wanted to say great job on the library! =)

I have two build-related questions for the group:

The first question has to do with the version of Xerces that the lib builds against / uses at runtime. I'm attempting to get Axis 1.5.0 to use Xerces 2.5. I can successfully build the code against Xerces 2.5, however, at runtime I get errors of the form:

HTTPTransportException: HTTP transport error
Exception Code: 50

...which I did not receive before when using Xerces 2.2 (no code changes). I've updated the references in the build.Linux.properties file and the axiscpp.conf file to point to the 2.5 version of Xerces. Are there any other variables which reference the version of Xerces in the building of the Axis lib? I know that it may not be possible to run Axis 1.5 against a newer version of the library, but I thought it would be worth asking the group.

...Speaking of the axiscpp.conf file - that leads me to me second set of questions...

First, I'm curious as to why the axiscpp.conf file is necessary, and was wondering (read: hoping) if it might be done away with in the next release of Axis. I guess what I'm having trouble understanding is why the version of libraries that are being used need to be specified both at build time *and* at run-time, especially with absolute paths. It seems strange to have to specify a library location in a file when it should be picked up at runtime on the library include path.

Second, for right now, I need to have the axiscpp.conf file located somewhere other that /etc, and was wondering what needs to be done to make that happen?

Again, keep up the great work, and thanks in advance for any help!

Kevin Rogers
PDI / Dreamworks
ext.29163 | 650.562.9163

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