Hey Samisa, thanks for the response. See my notes below:

Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:

We seem to have few problems with Xerces 2.6 with some test cases.
However, I was able to run the samples both on Linux and Windows using
Xerces 2.6
I am, unfortunately, unable to upgrade to 2.6 at this time because of dependencies of other tools in my work envirnoment on Xerces. I'll keep trying, or maybe try to set up my environment to fall back to the 2.2 version that Axis 1.5.0 was built against.

axisapp.conf file is not pointing to the Xerces parser. Rather it is
ponting to the Axis C++ implementation of the Xerces based paser
abstraction layer lib.
The libs such as Xerces are infact are picked from the lib path. We
need the axiscpp.conf file to specify the location of the paser,
transport and cannel abstraction implementations.

Yes, this is true. However, isn't this why you copy libaxis_xercesc.so (the default parser library) to libaxis_xmlparser.so (or create a simlink to accomplish the same thing)? Am I misunderstanding in thinking that these two libs are supposed to be exactly the same, only with different names?

If I am understanding correctly, this requires a step (post-build) on the user's part to make sure that they have either copied or linked the appropriate XML parser lib so that it is represented by the name 'axis_xmlparser', which is just an abstraction you have placed on top of it. If this is the case, why not just do the same thing for the transport and channel libs? Meaning, why don't you provide generic lib names as an abstraction on top of the libraries, and then rely on the user to either copy or link them post-build? This would do away with the need for the conf file, correct?

Second, for right now, I need to have the axiscpp.conf file located
somewhere other that /etc, and was wondering what needs to be done to
make that happen?

You do not need to have the conf file in /etc. All that you have to do
is to define the AXISCPP_DEPLOY environment variable. Then both the
server and clients will try to locate the conf file from

Obviously, if AXISCPP_DEPLOY is not set, it will look in /etc.

Thanks! That hint just helped me track that down to the common/AxisConfig.cpp file. I'll try that out now.


Kevin Rogers
PDI / Dreamworks
ext.29163 | 650.562.9163

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