
I have been looking at how to write a WSDL file to use Soap Message with
Attachment. I have found examples on the web using <mime:multipartRelated>,
example below:

<message name="Request">
                <part name="photo" type="xsd:hexBinary"/> </message>
<message name="Response">
                <part name="status" type="xsd:string"/> </message>

<wsdl:operation name="addPhoto">
            <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <mime:content part="photo" type="image/jpeg"/>

            <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <mime:content part="status" type="text/plain"/>

NOTE: I am not sure this is how you describe parts relate to mime attachment
types, But without this, there will be NULLPointerException in symboltable.
<message name="Request">
                <part name="photo" type="xsd:hexBinary"/> </message>

This seems to describe the structure of the soap message correctly with
respect to the documentation on W3C. SoapAttachment* files uses similar
structure as well. 
I tried using this with WSDL2WS, but the generated skeleton and stub don't
use Attachments at all. It will just have a function (in this case
addPhoto), it just treats it as having input xsd:hexBinary and output
xsd:string, no attachment functions used.

I have also found the file under tests directory in the repository:
testcases/wsdls/Attachment1.wsdl which also uses attachments. When I try to
run WSDL2WS on it, it returns the following error: "Type
{http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap}DataHandler is referenced but not defined."
(basically for all types using http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap namespace). 

I am not sure how this works but is there suppose to be a schema defined for
the DataHandler or any other attachment type? Am I supposes to define it

Also does WSDL2WS handle multiple Attachments as output?

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


Yuan Liu

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