Response from Mark Whitlock cc'd ->

Hi Yuan,
There are at least 2 possible ways of describing attachments in the WSDL. Attachments can be described using the WSDL MIME extensions (like mime:multipartRelated) or using elements under the namespace. WS-I allows either. Axis C++ currently only supports elements under the namespace. The Attachment1.wsdl should be correct.

I don't know why you are having the "DataHandler not defined" problem. The Attachment1.wsdl has the line
<import namespace=""/>
which should pull in the DataHandler definition. What level of code are you running? Does the problem happen on the latest level?

In the client, request attachments are supported, but response attachments are not. I added in the attachment support in the client, and I would have liked to support response attachments, WSDL MIME extensions, etc, but unfortunately I did not have sufficient time.

I am not able to spend much time on Axis C++, so I may not respond immediately to any further questions.
Mark Whitlock


18/10/2005 01:34

Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List"

Question about Soap Message with Attachment


I have been looking at how to write a WSDL file to use Soap Message with
Attachment. I have found examples on the web using <mime:multipartRelated>,
example below:

<message name="Request">
                                 <part name="photo" type="xsd:hexBinary"/> </message>
<message name="Response">
                                 <part name="status" type="xsd:string"/> </message>

<wsdl:operation name="addPhoto">
           <soap:body use="literal"/>
           <mime:content part="photo" type="image/jpeg"/>

           <soap:body use="literal"/>
           <mime:content part="status" type="text/plain"/>

NOTE: I am not sure this is how you describe parts relate to mime attachment
types, But without this, there will be NULLPointerException in symboltable.
<message name="Request">
                                 <part name="photo" type="xsd:hexBinary"/> </message>

This seems to describe the structure of the soap message correctly with
respect to the documentation on W3C. SoapAttachment* files uses similar
structure as well.
I tried using this with WSDL2WS, but the generated skeleton and stub don't
use Attachments at all. It will just have a function (in this case
addPhoto), it just treats it as having input xsd:hexBinary and output
xsd:string, no attachment functions used.

I have also found the file under tests directory in the repository:
testcases/wsdls/Attachment1.wsdl which also uses attachments. When I try to
run WSDL2WS on it, it returns the following error: "Type
{}DataHandler is referenced but not defined."
(basically for all types using namespace).

I am not sure how this works but is there suppose to be a schema defined for
the DataHandler or any other attachment type? Am I supposes to define it

Also does WSDL2WS handle multiple Attachments as output?

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


Yuan Liu

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