Interesting ... 

No criticism here, just curiosity:  If Axis CPP does not support the WS-I
Basic Security Profile ... then what do web service clients written in CPP
do?  Do they consume web services which do not require authentication?  Do
they consume web services which require authentication using a method other
than WS-I?  If so, why is this true?  WS-I is supposed to be the "industry
standard", is it not?

I guess what I want to know is, am I going down the wrong path by generating
(and consuming in a test application) a web service which abides by WS-I
security standards and forces all clients to abide by it as well?  If the
consensus is that the standard is not to be relied upon, I'd like to know.

Andy Weiss 

-----Original Message-----
From: Samisa Abeysinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 7:47 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: WS-I Basic Security Profile

I havent got any sample code on this (may be others would), but just a 
tought, may be you can write a handler to do this and contribute that to 
the community.


Andy Weiss wrote:

>If that is the case, does anyone have any sample code that manipulates the
>SOAP header "manually" and adds security token elements?  That is what I am
>going to have to do.
>-----Original Message-----
>Andy Weiss wrote:
>>I need to know if Axis C++ supports the WS-I Basic Security profile at 
>>all, namely the Username token.
>I am afraid not, there has been no developments in this front.

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