You're going to have to give us something to go on here :-)

Like - what are you doing. Is this is the client or server?
Are you creating a service, calling a method.
Have you managed to call the service by this time - etc. etc. etc.

"Andy Weiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

24/03/2006 13:16

Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List" <>

"'Apache AXIS C User List'" <>
RE: WS-I Basic Security Profile

I am doing that, the line of code I have is this:

// Catch an AXIS exception
cout <<
"AxisException: " << e.getExceptionCode() << " " << e.what() << endl;

And the line I get on the console is, in its entirety:
                AxisExeption: 67

From: John Hawkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Friday, March 24, 2006 4:12 AM
Apache AXIS C User List
RE: WS-I Basic Security Profile

please do an exception.what();

When using AxisCPP I am receiving:

               AxisExeption: 67

Can someone help me find out what this means?  I can't find any
documentation about exception numbers.

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