this is a transport/socket problem - You'll have to find out what channel error 104 means for your particular platform.

Murali Konnipati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

20/09/2006 13:13

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Problem with deployment of calculator web service

Hi All,
          When i try to deploy the calculator sample usign AdminClient program, it is giving me the following error..
           Exception :  HTTPTransportException:Input streaming error while getting data Channel error 104 while reading data: 'Connection reset by peer'
        My deploy.wsdd file is..
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deployment xmlns="" xmlns:CPP="">
       <service name="Calculator" provider="CPP:RPC" description="Axis C++ web service">
               <parameter name="className" value="/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/samples/calculator/"/>
               <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="add addRequest sub subRequest mul mulRequest div divRequest "/>

        Could any body please help me in this regard,
Thanks & Regards,
Murali Krishna K

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