Hi Group,

Because all my business logics are implemented in C++, so I am trying to
implement the hello_svc.c in C++.

Here is what I did:
1.  Added the explicit cast to cast void* to axis2_svc_skeleton_t*

   axis2_svc_skeleton_t *svc_skeleton = NULL;
   svc_skeleton = (axis2_svc_skeleton_t *)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator,

2. Added the
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  extern "C"


  #ifdef __cplusplus

at the beginning and the end of the hello_svc.cpp file.

3. compile it using g++ (with the same argument as with gcc)

4. copy the libhello.so to the axis2c hello service.

5. Invoide the hello client

then I got the Segmentation fault at the "Invoke the handler context_handler
within the phase PostDispatch" phase.

what did I do wrong? is it possible to implement the service skeleton code
in C++?


Yingwei Yang

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