Hello Chintana and Sanjaya,

when I run autoconf in the src folder or in the util folder I have the same output - nothing.
I think this is not right.

The error is printed in line 65 of the autogen.sh script - the first script called from the build.sh

My question is if I'm right with all my variables  as I think?

If I run the command in the especial line I get the following. But I don't know what it means. If I understand right the libtool library is used but something is undefined - what?

src/core/addr/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/addr/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/addr/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/clientapi/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/clientapi/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/clientapi/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/context/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/context/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/context/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/deployment/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/deployment/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/deployment/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/description/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/description/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/description/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/description/Makefile.am:17: variable `libaxis2_engine_la_LDFLAGS' is defined but no program or src/core/description/Makefile.am:17: library has `libaxis2_engine_la' as canonic name (possible typo) src/core/engine/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/engine/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/engine/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/phaseresolver/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/phaseresolver/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/phaseresolver/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/receivers/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/receivers/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/receivers/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/http/common/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/http/common/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/http/common/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/http/receiver/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/http/receiver/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/http/receiver/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/http/sender/Makefile.am:2: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/http/sender/Makefile.am:2: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/http/sender/Makefile.am:2: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/http/server/apache2/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/http/server/apache2/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/http/server/apache2/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/http/util/Makefile.am:2: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/http/util/Makefile.am:2: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/http/util/Makefile.am:2: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/tcp/receiver/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/tcp/receiver/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/tcp/receiver/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/core/transport/tcp/sender/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/transport/tcp/sender/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/transport/tcp/sender/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again.
src/core/util/Makefile.am:1: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/core/util/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/core/util/Makefile.am:1: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/modules/mod_addr/Makefile.am:2: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/modules/mod_addr/Makefile.am:2: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/modules/mod_addr/Makefile.am:2: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again. src/modules/mod_log/Makefile.am:2: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
src/modules/mod_log/Makefile.am:2: The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' src/modules/mod_log/Makefile.am:2: to `configure.ac' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' again.


Chintana Wilamuna wrote:
On 9/20/07, Michael Sutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Running autogen.sh in Util
Running libtoolize...done.
Running aclocal...done.
Running autoheader...done.
Running autoconf...failed.


Looks like autoconf is failing in the Util folder.  Can you cd into
util and type autoconf?  That should give an idea about what exactly
is going on with autoconf.



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