Hi Bill,

Currently It tries to avoid following c reserved words,

                    "auto", "double", "int", "struct",
                    "break", "else", "long", "switch",
                    "case", "enum", "register", "typedef",
                    "char", "extern", "return", "union",
                    "const", "float", "short", "unsigned",
                    "continue", "for", "signed", "void",
                    "default", "goto", "sizeof", "volatile",
                    "do", "if", "static", "while"

Anyway It seems currently this doesn't affect on the operation parameters,
Can you please raise a JIRA on this issue.


On Nov 20, 2007 12:41 AM, Bill Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Interesting suggestion, Samisa.  I modified my WSDL renaming the "delete"
> operation to "struct" and used the WSDL2C utility to generate the stub and
> header files.  I see the same result, the header contains a template with
> the dummy parameter name struct:
> axiom2_node_t* axis2_stub_TestService_struct( axis2_stub_t *stub, const
> axutil_env_t *env,
>     axiom_node_t* struct);
> So, if there is a table that is used to filter C reserved words, that
> table
> is not being applied to the dummy parameter names when the operation stubs
> are generated.
> Bill Mitchell wrote:
> > In a similar vein, although I could raise it as a separate issue, I have
> > come
> > across another naming conflict in the output of the WSDL2C tool.  In the
> > same WSDL, I find another operation, this one named delete:
> > ...
> >   <operation name="delete">
> >     <input message="fw:deleteRequest"/>
> >     <output message="fw:deleteResponse"/>
> >   </operation>
> > ...
> >
> > The template in the header for the stub for this operation is:
> >   axiom_node_t* axis2_stub_Fservice_delete( axis2_stub_t *stub, const
> > axutil_env_t *env,
> >                                                     axiom_node_t*
> delete);
> >
> > The problem with this is that, although delete is not a reserved word in
> > C,
> > it certainly is in C++.  And my goal is to invoke the Axis2C code from
> > within a C++ program.  So I would suggest that WSDL2C should prefix all
> of
> > the names generated as a result of the WSDL with something, and not
> leave
> > them naked where they could conflict with reserved words in C or C++.
> >
> +1. I think we already track for C keywords. May be we can add C++
> keywords to that table as well.
> Samisa...
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/WSDL2C-create-function-conflicts-with-SOAP-operation-named-create-tf4818227.html#a13842836
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