Hi Antonio,

If I m correct you are asking how to create string or int node so you
can assign it the variable with anytype.

You can use 'axiom_text_create' to create text element and corresponding node.

axiom_text_t* text_element;
axiom_node_t *text_node;

text_element = axiom_text_create(env,
 NULL /* no parent at start */,
 "SomeString" /* your string */,

here you can set the text_node to the setter method of the above struct.

you may set int, float values after converting them to string (May be
using sprintf)

Check http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/docs/om_tutorial.html Code Listing
6 for an example.


On Dec 19, 2007 10:56 PM, Antonio Chiurla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to set a value defined as anyType in wsdl and relative xsd:
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="metadataName" type="xs:string"/>
> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="value" type="xs:anyType"/>
> </xs:sequence>
> I have generated the stub for this wsdl and the struct defined
> to pass to the op contains a field of type axiom_node_t*
>         struct adb_metadataValue
>         {
>             axis2_char_t* property_metadataName;
>                 axis2_bool_t is_valid_metadataName;
>             axiom_node_t* property_value;
>                 axis2_bool_t is_valid_value;
>         };
> I need to insert a string or int or other types depending of
> some conditions verified at runtime.
> Thanks
> Antonio Chiurla
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