hello users,

k, i am able to generate makefiles on the fly
next step for me is to understand what [1] does.

i can't read ruby, but i think i know what the skript
should do. when i start the skript in a folder, where
all files from adb Calculator are (with stub or with skel)
i only get an nearly empty demo.c the logic is missing.

i tried to figure out, if the skript needs some parameters,
but in my simple understanding the skript does this

question, who can generate the demo.c files for both folders
at [2], so i can try to buid this in java ?

mfg derMark

[1] http://people.apache.org/~dimuthu/leisure/23_oct/generate_demos.rb
[2] http://www.9elements.com/dermark/Calculator__current.zip

Samisa Abeysinghe schrieb:
Dimuthu Gamage wrote:
1. does anybody really needs this kind of generator,
is it helpfull or just waste of time when i think
of this ?

Yea definitely.  we have to provide build scripts for at least both
linux and windows.


2. with what kind of languages the genearator should
work, so that win and linux users profit ?
--> i would prefer java, everyone has cause of wsdl2java

I too prefer to integrate this to WSDL2Java tool itself. Unfortunately
we right now can't ask for an option to decide the OS.  Because
WSDL2Java tool dosn't have an interface for C code generation to add
it s custom options, and java guys will not like to add a common
option that will not relevant to them.

So I think the best option is to put in the axis2/c distribution, BUt
if it is a Java thing, I don't like to put it in a C distribution.

Can we not just generate a build.bat and a build.sh by default whenever we generated code?

3. what exactly are the requirements, want would we exspect
from this kind of tool ?

1. Generate build Scripts (both in linux and windows)
2. Generate some sample client, i.e. with some demonstration logic
3. Generate server.
4. Generate test case(s)



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