Hi Rahil,

You have missed to attach the WSDL. So can you attach the WSDL and we
can check what is the error in the generated code?

BTW is that the nightly build at
http://people.apache.org/dist/axis2/nightly/ you are using?. If not
please try with that and you will definitely get a better result


On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Rahil Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I am having some problems:
> 1 - I used a WSDl which has around 15-18 operations, I generated code for it
> and it was generated properly. When I try to compile them after writing a
> small code(which only calls one of the operations) it gave me hell of errors
> :S. All of the errors were from the generated files. I am attaching the wsdl
> and error returned...
> gcc -o hello -I/usr/local/axis2c/include/axis2-1.3.0/ -L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib
> -laxutil -laxis2_axiom -laxis2_parser -laxis2_engine -lpthread
> -laxis2_http_sender -laxis2_http_receiver *.c -ldl -Wl,--rpath
> -Wl,$AXIS2C_HOME/lib
> --
> adb_Account.h:642: warning: `cdecl' attribute only applies to function types
> adb_Account.h:642: error: syntax error before "adb_Account_get_Customer"
> adb_Account.h:657: error: syntax error before "Customer_type0"
> adb_Account.c:112: error: syntax error before "Customer_type0"
> adb_Account.c:112: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
> adb_Account.c:293: error: syntax error before '}' token
> adb_Account.c: In function `adb_Account_create':
> adb_Account.c:581: error: invalid application of `sizeof' to incomplete type
> `adb_Account.h'
> adb_Account.c:590: error: invalid application of `sizeof' to incomplete type
> `adb_Account.h'
> adb_Account.c:592: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:593: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:594: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:595: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:596: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:597: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:598: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:599: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:600: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:601: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:602: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:603: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:604: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> adb_Account.c:60..............................
> It shows error on every line... :S
> 2 - To overcome this I removed un-necessary operations from the WSDL and
> generated code, code generated properly and compiled as well. When I try to
> run that service in one of my webservice hosted it print this in the log:
> Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(117) Service name is :
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(325) This handler is
> trying to added to system pre defined phases , but those handlers are
> already added to global chain which run irrespective of the service
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(325) This handler is
> trying to added to system pre defined phases , but those handlers are
> already added to global chain which run irrespective of the service
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(325) This handler is
> trying to added to system pre defined phases , but those handlers are
> already added to global chain which run irrespective of the service
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(230) module name
> is:addressing
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
> AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(322)
> Creating WS
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(325)
> Making HDR
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(332) HDR
> created........
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(338)
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)
> Start:axis2_op_client_infer_transport
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] op_client.c(936)
> End:axis2_op_client_infer_transport
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(648)
> Start:axis2_engine_invoke_phases
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(660) Invoking phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase.c(200) Invoke the handler
> AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(670)
> End:axis2_engine_invoke_phases
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(248)
> ctx_epr:
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(393)
> msg_ctx_id:3791e282-0674-1dd1-2ba7-000c29e99385
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(340)
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(344)
> Error: response NULL
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [error] axis2_skel_FundTransferRequest.c(131)
> Unable to snd SMS
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(648)
> Start:axis2_engine_invoke_phases
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(660) Invoking phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] phase.c(200) Invoke the handler
> AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(670)
> End:axis2_engine_invoke_phases
> [Thu Apr 10 01:33:30 2008] [debug] engine.c(302) Axis2 engine receive
> completed!
> Please help me solving in anyone of the issue.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Rahil
> Samisa Abeysinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rahil Ali wrote:
> > Yes, I am using code generated by WSDL2C using this command :
> > "WSDL2C.sh -uri GSCP-service.serviceagent.wsdl -u -d adb"
> >
> > I am trying to call this operation: "SendSMSOp"
> > Can you check whether my wsdl is ok or not. I have removed operations
> > and other non-related items from the original WSDL.
> The WSDL seems to be valid. If it was invalid, usually the codegen tools
> trows an exception.
> Looking at the WSDL and the request sent by the client, the message sent
> is not correct as far as I can tell. I am not sure if this is a bug in
> the generated code or the user code.
> We need a codegen expert to help us here :)
> Samisa...
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