
It appears that for some reason, the ServiceClient is sending the message
twice to the server in a very short time interval (less than 20 milli-secs).

The payload remains the same and it is a a re-send rather than a call being
made twice.

It may be helpful to note that I am using an AXIS2 Java Server with a AXIS2C
client - interaction between the exisiting Java client and Java server are
normal and functioning as expected.  Therefore, I do not (at this stage)
suspect the server.

The server is exoected to be slow for the first request so control of the
timeout was my initial point of investigation.

I have tried setting the
to no avail.
Would the setting of a socket timeout be necessary and if so, how would this
be done ?

Any suggestions on why this may be occuring ?

For completeness, I have attached my logs (in hope that there is something
obvious that I am doing wrong).


[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase Dispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the phase
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(233) No custom dispatching
order found. Continue with the default dispatching order
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing
found in axis2.xml
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [error] dir_handler.c(219) No files in the path
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1306)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1306)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(141) Object loaded
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingInHandler to phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(123) Service name is :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(375) Trying to add this
handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but those
handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective of the
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(375) Trying to add this
handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but those
handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective of the
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(375) Trying to add this
handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but those
handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective of the
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(259) Module name
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] op_client.c(869)
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] op_client.c(924)
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] addr_out_handler.c(133) No action
present. Stop processing addressing
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246) ctx_epr:
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(768) using axis2
native http sender.
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(415)
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [info]  [ssl client] Client certificate chain
filenot specified
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] ssl/ssl_utils.c(190) [ssl client] SSL
certificate verified against peer
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [info]  [ssl client] Client certificate chain
filenot specified
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] ssl/ssl_utils.c(190) [ssl client] SSL
certificate verified against peer
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(785) OP name
axutil_qname_get_localpart = http://www.w3.org/2004/08/wsdl/out-in
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] soap_builder.c(895) Identified soap
version is soap11
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(100) Checking for service
using target endpoint address :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingInHandler within the phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [info]  Starting addressing in handler
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] addr_disp.c(107) Checking for service
using WSA enpoint address :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
rest_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(127) Checking for
service using SOAP message body's first child's namespace URI :
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] soap_action_disp.c(89) Checking for
service using SOAPAction is not implemented
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch
[Mon Jul  7 15:26:18 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch

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