This one seems to be a command problem.  I also sent it as "./echo_rest
http://localhost/axis2/services/echo"; and it worked successfully.



echo_rest.log (./echo_rest http://localhost/axis2/services/echo_rest)


[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the phase

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(121) axis2_handler_t
*context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(233) No custom
dispatching order found. Continue with the default dispatching order

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing
found in axis2.xml

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../lib/ shared lib loaded successfully

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../lib/ shared lib loaded successfully

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  No files in the path ../../modules.

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  No files in the path ../../services.

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] dep_engine.c(1283)
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll: DLL path is :

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
../../modules/addressing/ shared lib loaded

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingInHandler to phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(139) Service name is

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(2058) Trying to add
this handler AddressingInHandler to system pre defined phases , but
those handlers are already added to global chain which run irrespective
of the service

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_resolver.c(723) Module name

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase_holder.c(139) Add handler
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] op_client.c(881)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] op_client.c(940)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] addr_out_handler.c(133) No action
present. Stop processing addressing

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(246)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(770) using
axis2 native http sender.

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_sender.c(416)

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] http_transport_sender.c(787) OP name
axutil_qname_get_localpart =

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingInHandler within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  Starting addressing in handler

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [info]  addr_in_handler.c

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
rest_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch

[Thu Sep 11 08:11:45 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch




From: Supun Kamburugamuva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:45 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: echo samples with Axis2/C Module for Apache2


Can you please send the server log file for the failed test cases with
Apache Server? Usually if a sample works with axis2_http_server it works
with Apache server as well. Please note that google and yahoo sample
failures have nothing to do with the local server. These requests go to
google and yahoo servers respectively. 


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Gold, Jack L (US SSA)

It seems that some of the services are working and echo was just an
example of one that wasn't.  I have now run all the samples.

Under Libmod_axis2 with Apache2:

echo - Fails
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - fails
google - soap fault
math - fails
mtom - fails
notify - fails
yahoosearch - fails

Under axis_simple_server:

echo - Succeeds
echo_blocking - Succeeds
echo_blocking_addr - Succeeds
echo_blocking_auth - succeeds
echo_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_blocking_soap11 - succeeds
echo_non_blocking - succeeds
echo_non_blocking_dual - succeeds
echo_rest - succeeds
google - soap fault
math - succeeds
mtom - succeeds
notify - succeeds
yahoosearch - fails

I would have expected the same results through both servers with maybe
the exception of echo_rest and mtom.  What bothers me is that some of
the tests are successful only on the simple axis server, yet some work
in both configurations.  Any ideas?


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Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc

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