Hi Glen, Deepal;

I think I am the one who hardcode the dispatchers in the first place.
But I am convinced
that it is a *bad* thing to do. I am +1 to add them all to the
dispatcher phase in the axis2.xml and let them be just Handlers

On 10/24/05, Glen Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Deepal:
> > I agree on that Dispatcher itself is a handler
> Ok.
> > but the name "Dispatcher" implies different meaning than a handler , it
> > is obvious that a module can configure to put handlers into Dispatch
> > phase we are not avoiding doing that (in fact I did the same thing to a
> > the SypaseToy that I wrote , I put just a handler into Dispatch phase as
> > its phase first handler and which will do the dispatching).
> Ok.
> > But If some one to add dispatcher as a dispatcher not as a handler , we
> > have give them a indirect path to do so (<dispatchingOrder> in
> > axis2.xml) , and configure the order they want. Since Axis2 has hard
> > coded the dispatching order. There can be some users who want to run
> > URLDispatcher after AddressingDisptcher , since we have hard coded the
> > dispatching order no one can change the order, therefore only way to do
> > that by giving a way to change that , that is why I came up with that
> > XML element. So if user wants to override he can put that XML element
> > and do so , if not the default order will work nicely. I know that 99%
> > of the time no one go and change that. So most of the time
> > AxisConfigurationImpl.setDefaultDispatchers() method will be invoked.
> What I'm trying to say is that we should NOT hard-code the dispatch
> order, we should have it simply exist as configuration in the default
> axis2.xml file.  To do this we either use current <handler> syntax:
>          <handler name="MyDispatcher"
>                   class="package.MyDispatcher">
>              <order phase="Dispatch"/>
>          </handler>
> or my suggested simpler syntax:
>          <phaseOrder>
>            <phase name="Dispatch">
>              <handler name="MyDispatcher"
>                       class="package.MyDispatcher"/>
>            </phase>
>          </phaseOrder>
> --Glen

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