Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 12:39 -0500, Glen Daniels wrote:

The second choice wouldn't be element.getNamespace(), it would be the default namepace. Both choices are valid depending on context, which is why I believe there was a switch on the Axis1 version of this logic (something like "enableDefaultNS" or something). Recommend a switch, and default to doing default namespace logic. So:

I disagree .. if you resolve a QName in the context of an element and if
the QName has no prefix then it must still be resolved as a qualified
name - thereby inheriting the default NS. That's what a QName of an attr
or an element resolved in the context of an element; so why should
QNames in content (attribute value or text value) be different?

So I'm -1 for adding two forms of this.


What does XSD say in this regard? things like XmlBeans have a qname type, so they must implement something. I'd hate to do something inconsistent from everything else.

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