Hi Chamikara!

> Actually what I merged was the AxisEngine.send() method (not receive()
> ). Shouldn't both chains be available by the time this get called by the
> MessageReceiver ?
> If so merging in the begining should not be a problem.

Woops, my bad - I misinterpreted the patch.  Yes, you're quite right.

>     So the end result is a single execution chain which pauses/resumes
>     simply by indexes, updates itself at operation dispatch, and no extra
>     logic to split receiving/sending.
>     Sound reasonable?
> +1

OK, cool.  I'm more than willing to do this work next week (am on
vacation as of tonight for the weekend), but assuming others are good
with this, please feel free to commit the patch and/or the refactoring
before then if you wish.


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