Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

The question Dims asked is about what the default should be for clients.
I disagree with the apparently popular choice of no sessions because if
a service has multiple operations then in most cases the operations have
some relationships between them. The question really amounts to asking
how often do people have session scoped services vs. application scoped
services. If they are application scoped then basically the cookie stuff
makes no difference: either the service is totally stateless and it
ignores all context or its truly stateful and remembers something from
every request.

IMO the natural behavior should be to maintain sessions by default.
That's what even Apache SOAP did back many years ago.
I'll vote +1 on "no sessions by default" for now, just to keep things simple.

That said, does WSDL 2.0 include a way to indicate service statefulness? If so, that would be the ideal way of controlling the client defaults. If not... well, is it too late to get a new feature in, Sanjiva? ;-)

 - Dennis

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