Hi Dennis,

(xmlns:db='data binding')

I don't like the idea of one distro for each db framework. We have
enough distros now and if we do that how can we say we have pluggable db

IIRC, Ajith was talking about reflection based loading of db frameworks.
Dunno what happened with that, but it may be the correct way to do it.

-- Chinthaka

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> Hi Eran,
> Separating out the data binding jars from the core distribution was part
> of the plan, but I only did the necessary changes for JiBX and XMLBeans.
> There are still pending Jira items to make these changes for ADB and
> JaxMe. Does the JaxMe support even work? I've seen various problem
> reports, but don't have any idea of whether it works properly in some
> situations.
> Bundling of the parts is more difficult. I suppose we could do multiple
> standard distributions, one for each data binding framework - but then
> you get cross-combinations with things like Spring support, and end up
> with an unmanageable number of distributions. But the code generation
> hooks are designed so that you can run WSDL2Java without the unused
> frameworks present, so for these it'd be easy to supply a core
> distribution that only supported Axiom. The user would then just copy
> the appropriate data binding framework jars into the lib directory.
> That's probably the best way to go in order to keep the core
> distribution small. It should be possible to do the same thing with
> Spring support.
> If we support a core distribution of this type along with a separate
> full distribution (including all the support jars), it seems like that
> would take care of everyone's needs. People who are concerned about
> download size can get the core and drop in jars for the frameworks
> they're using, while those who just want an easy start and maximum
> flexibility can do the full download.
>  - Dennis
> Eran Chinthaka wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I also agree with Tom. I do not want to have Spring in the core or in
>> any core parts.
>> BUT, even though you say it < 1%, I'd say its more than 70% at least
>> here in Germany. I met lot of people here who are asking for Spring
>> support, even though they are silent in mailing list. Spring, for some
>> reason, is hot here.
>> I even worry about bundling most of the data binding jars with our war
>> dist. Don't u all complain about it. Jaxme itself has four jars which
>> amounts to 1MB. I think we need to have a policy on data binding
>> frameworks as well.
>> So this leads us to think about how we can release a core part and let
>> people extend it to be used with Spring or to let them use a different
>> db framework that we support.
>> Any ideas how we can bundle all these parts and any volunteers for
>> Spring implementation ?
>> -- Chinthaka
>> Tom Jordahl wrote:
>>> “I know it when I see it” – and Spring is over the line.  J
>>> How many Axis2 users will use Spring? Hard to say, but I am betting that
>>> <1% of users are using it right now.
>>> I am happy to have ‘extra’ code in axis2.jar that supports lots of other
>>> technologies.  That isn’t a steep price to pay.  But if I am using the
>>> ‘basics’ – SOAP processing, the Axis Data Binding, WSDL generation,
>>> *maybe* WS-Addressing – I should have a small list of jars that I need
>>> to run (whether the list is small right now is probably another
>>> discussion).
>>> Doesn’t that sound right?
>>> P.S. I am only dimly aware of Spring, I don’t even know what it really
>>> does without a Google search, so I have nothing against Spring itself.
>>> -- 
>>> Tom Jordahl
>>> Adobe ColdFusion Team
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* robert lazarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 09, 2006 12:16 PM
>>> *To:* axis-dev@ws.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [axis2] Spring Support
>>> Sure, I understand - that's why I proposed bringing back the extensions
>>> directory. The problem is, however, where do you draw the line?
>>> Robert
>>> http://www.braziloutsource.com/
>>> On 5/9/06, *Tom Jordahl* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> I don't use Spring, so don't make me carry the spring jar file around
>>> with Axis2 when I don't use it…
>>> -- 
>>> Tom Jordahl
>>> Adobe ColdFusion Team
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Rajith Attapattu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 08, 2006 11:48 AM
>>> *To:* axis-dev@ws.apache.org <mailto:axis-dev@ws.apache.org>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [axis2] Spring Support
>>> Robert,
>>> Ok, good then as a starting point we can use your code base as you have
>>> already done some work on pauls stuff.
>>> Yes the 2MB depency does concerns me as well. But it looks like a lot of
>>> developers are using spring so it might not be that much of an issue
>>> considering the fanfare we see out there for spring.
>>> How about pulling put the common code and refactoring the Message
>>> Receivers? or you want to wait till u check in the stuff and then look
>>> at it?
>>> I am not sure about Data binding as well and hopefuly somebody will fill
>>> in the gap here.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rajith
>>> On 5/8/06, *robert lazarski* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> I've been using Spring with axis2 since .92, although in a way not
>>> everybody seems to like.
>>> I'm working a lot on adding Spring support via a Message Reciever, but
>>> wanted to wait till post 1.0 . . I've mostly got it working. I'm basing
>>> this work of of paul's work he did last july though some things cleary
>>> won't work today as they were coded back then. I'm hoping to have
>>> something ready to commit this week, of course after discussions on the
>>> list. I still need to do the junit tests and work out how spring does
>>> annotations.
>>> This is good time to lay out the issues:
>>> 1) Spring is licensed under apache 2.0 .
>>> 2) Its yet another dependancy, the main spring.jar being about 2 megs.
>>> 3) We had an extensions directory, and this may be a good time to bring
>>> it back.
>>> 4) I'm unsure how to integrate a spring message reciever with
>>> databinding. Databinding at least for me is a critical factor.
>>> Robert
>>> On 5/8/06, *Rajith Attapattu* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> Dims,
>>> Thats true, we cannot and should not try to satisfy everybody.
>>> Most people are looking for a magic wand that will create there code
>>> with minimum effort as possible.
>>> Reading the thread on TSS I was sad to see that most people have missed
>>> the boat about Web Services.
>>> These people expect nothing but to expose their **objects** as Web
>>> Services using some framework with minimum effort as possible.
>>> Thats as far as they are willing to go with Web Services.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rajith
>>> On 5/8/06, *Davanum Srinivas* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> Sure.
>>> - Beware of people with hidden agendas. You can never please everyone.
>>> - Once you meet the objective criteria (say "add spring support"), you
>>> will hear either ("it's not easy" or "it's complicated" in other words
>>> "It does not meet my unspecified standards that are in my
>>> head"-kind-of subjective criteria.
>>> thanks,
>>> dims
>>> On 5/8/06, Rajith Attapattu < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Looking at the thread on TSS, it looks like some people are hell
>>>> bent on
>>>> having spring support.
>>>> Paul already has some code (sandbox) attached to the jira  AXIS2-272
>>>> I looked at them and it does provide a nice way of exposing spring
>>>> beans as
>>>> Web Services via a MessageReceiver
>>>> I agree with Paul that there is some common code that could be
>>>> refactored
>>>> out in the message reciver classes.
>>>> Shall we work on this code base and provide the support these people
>>>> are
>>>> asking for??
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rajith
>>> -- 
>>> Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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