Hi David,

I also agree with you about the speed maven2 provides compared to
maven1. That was very much obvious for me when I was using maven2 to
build Axiom.

BUT, this effort should be done and maintained by some one and he/she
should be able to handle issues as fast as possible. Well that statement
might seen unfair in the open source world, but please understand that
all the devs have a very hard dependency on the build system. If there
is a problem, then if they can't fix it, then they can not do *anything*
after that.

Even you have mentioned, you don't have much of time for this effort.
Jochen was doing a very good job, but I didn't see it is finished yet.
Please do remember that we have lot of custom scripts inside Axis2 and,
*each and everyone* of them are important.

So if some one is converting Axis2 to maven2 and is trying to remove
maven1 scripts, then
 - all the modules must be converted to maven2
 - all the scripts, including release and day-to-day used
compile-and-test goals must be converted.
 - there should be documentation on the new goals available as AFAIK,
most of the devs are still very new to maven2

Until then I prefer maven1. It is better to keep a known devil than an
unknown angel :).

Please please do not take this as an opposing idea to convert to maven2.
I also prefer very much for that. But I can not forget the unpleasant
experiences I had, when I was releasing Axiom, some time ago (But Thanks
Jochen for later fixing those problems).

+1 for moving security modules out of Axis2. But please make sure, there
is enough integration tests written inside Axis2, to compensate for
security integration tests.

-- Chinthaka

David Illsley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a play with using Maven2 for Axis2 recently to see what kinds of
> speedups we could get. Dims noticed, we had a chat, and he asked me to
> write up my thoughts.
> It wasn't totally simple so I focussed on the kernel module and got
> about a 50% speedup between a maven -o clean test and a mvn -o clean
> test
> The current approach of having build files for both isn't really
> working because it's difficult to keep them in sync which (at the
> moment) means build breaks in the maven2 build. It's also I think lead
> to a problem with the maven2 artifacts publshed for 1.1 Finally,
> maven2 encourages certain styles that doesn't match with maven1 so
> it's not easy to take full advantage of maven2 in parallel with a
> maven1 build.
> Given that, I'd suggest that moving forward we either switch entirely
> to maven2 for the next release or remove the incomplete and
> erratically maintained maven2 poms. If the former approach is taken I
> believe that it would be possible to temporarily maintain both systems
> so as not to lose build stability.
> I think that moving to maven2 would probably be a good move but it
> will need buy-in from everyone as it will affect all modules*. Dims
> has suggested 1.2 is a reasonable target, aiming it at 1Q '07 and I
> agree though I don't have lots of time to commit to this effort.
> What do people think?
> David
> * This might also be a good time to move the security modules out to a
> separate project as we've discussed before.

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