You are following the axis2 web.xml that configures the axis2 servlet,
right? I would try your custom war on something simpler like tomcat to
verify that its indeed a websphere issue. I often do custom wars
myself with axis2 and it takes a few tries to get it right.

Its been a while since I used websphere, but all app servers have a
way to delegate the jars that are used by the war to have preference
over any that are in a higher classloader. If you still have the
problem after the above, I would try that to see if that helps.


On 12/27/06, Prasad Sarma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi All,
  I am starting to work on axis2. I am working on
WebSphere 5.1 test environment on RAD6,I installed 2
plugins for axis2 ..java2wsdl and service archive and
I have created a webservice and created aar file from
it .
Now  I want to deploy this webservice on my current
web application. I am having trouble deploying this
aar file. Could some body please help me where I am
going wrong.
Here is what I have done so far.
In my web application
1. I have created a 'services' folder under WEB-INF
which I declared as repository for axis2 and kept my
aar file and version.aar file, services.list in it, I
listed both aars in services.list

2. I copied jars from axis2-war ( that I downloaded
from axis2 website and extracted libraries) to
WEB-INF/lib of my web application
3. I created a 'conf' directory in WEB-INF and placed
axis2.xml in that folder
4. I placed the entry for axis2 servlet in my web.xml




and I get an excpetion as
Did not realize  init() exception thrown by servlet
AxisServlet: javax.servlet.ServletException....

Some mailing lists have suggested to use axis-1.3 and
start from there but is there any way to configure
axis2 in my current web application with out going
thru axis-1.3
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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