Hi Bill,

>>Among the all , the most worst thing I saw in the code is following kind
>>of things, I strongly believe we should not have this kind of code in
>>the code base, If you found such kind of code please point out them then
>>and there.
>> - String tmpClassNameStr = "null";   (is this the way we initialize to
>>NULL )
>> - String tmpHasList      = "no list"
>> - Unnecessary casting
>> - A number of unused variables
>> - Variable declarations here and there  (as an example private static
>>final String  - selfManagedDataDelimiter = "*";)
>I'm indifferent on the first two; in some cases it makes the code easier
>to read and debug at the cost of an assignment and space in the string
Well , more focus should be for code readability than debugging .

>The third one should be caught by any decent compiler and
>eliminated (so long as you're not casting back and forth) and again
>sometimes enhances readability so I'm indifferent on this one as well.
>I agree on the fourth -- I don't think that there's ever a good case for
>extraneous variables.  The fifth is again a code readability issue and
>one of the reasons that Java doesn't require that you declare everything
>up front. 
Thank's for trying to clarify all these points. Just hope not everybody
will start writing code like this :-)

BTW in point 5, I was talking about class level 'public static'
variables, not method level variables.
For e.g.

class {
    public static v1;
    method1 ();
    public static v2();

I dont think this is the way to go.


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