
The same IDE that lets you find things easily, lets you reformat the
code to sun convention too and we have some additional stuff on top of
that which is also usually configurable. Definitely, there is no
excuse for not following the conventions. Yes, if you see something
wrong in someone's checkin not following the convention, you have to
let them know immediately. Please don't wait 3 months and say there
were 100 commits that did not follow the convention :)


On 2/2/07, Sanjiva Weerawarana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 09:57 -0800, Bill Nagy wrote:
> I don't honestly think that anyone who we want to be writing code for
> the project would have trouble understanding code simply because braces
> weren't on the lines where they typically put them or that methods
> aren't named in the same way that they usually name them.  With respect
> to this particular issue, I don't think that the vast majority of people
> go look for declarations by scrolling to the top of the file -- IDEs
> have made that unnecessary.  I think that we simply disagree on where to
> draw the line for "reasonable" deviations from the "rules."

The whole point of having coding conventions is to get everyone to
follow them.

This is not negotiable- we have agreed on conventions and everyone
should follow them. Why is that so hard? Its good for everyone and its a
simple thing to do.

We didn't pick the conventions I liked either but it doesn't matter ..
that's what was decided on for the project and we must follow them.

> I completely agree.  The issues that have been raised so far, however,
> have all been of the form "The code gets invoked on every invocation --
> I don't like that."  I was addressing those issues.  I committed the

Those issues clearly have a performance impact!

> code, therefore I am ultimately responsible for it.  Before I did so, I
> read through it and did my best to make sure that it was not adversely
> effecting performance, and those are the points that I keep raising.  Is
> this a lot of code that was changed/added?  Certainly.  Do I believe
> that it is isolated when not in use?  Yes.  I don't have to run
> performance tests simply because somebody says so when I'm comfortable
> with the logic of a particular change.  Likewise, I don't believe that
> anybody runs performance tests for the vast majority of the changes that
> they make to the code, and they probably have thought about isolation a
> lot less than was done so for this particular change.

Fair enough. Let's wait till we have some numbers .. if there's no
adverse impact then great.

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Director; Open Source Initiative;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;

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