Yadav, Yogendra (IT) wrote:
Hi Axis2 developers,
I am interested to know the axis2 roadmap, I could not find this information on the Axis2 web site. I am particularly interested in the following:
1. Support for Spring based configuration.

We have some support but it can be improved radically if there's a need. What do you have in mind?

2. Support for JAX-WS 2.1.

In progress .. I'm not sure exactly where we are; Brian, are you the one working on it?

3. Jetty and/or Grizzly based HTTP transports for Axis2.

There's a Jetty transport that was written for WSO2 WSAS which is available. I've never heard of Grizzly (except in Yellowstone ;-))! Google tells me Grizzly must be https://grizzly.dev.java.net/. Sounds like that's what we should be using instead of straight Jetty now?

If you're looking for NIO with Jetty 6, then we have a better-than-Jetty NIO transport that's based on the HTTP Core project! That was developed for Synapse but its a raw HTTP transport for Axis2 and is now committed here. It'll be great to do a perf eval of that vs. Jetty 6 and see how they compare! The reason I said "better-than-Jetty" is because this transport does NIO for both reading and writing .. something that Synapse needed in order to scale well.

4. If Axis2 will ever provide full duplex streaming support (I can read the input stream via XMLStreamReader in my handler class but can't write to the output stream while processing XML events).

It does provide full duplex streaming; it does that now for generated ADB classes. This is done using OMSourcedElement .. which is basically a way of deferring Java object -> XML serialization until its absolutely necessary. At that time, the Java object can straight write itself to the XML stream.

Note that it has to be done this way because its necessary for Axis2 to write the Envelope element etc. before asking the application to write out the payload. If the application wants to defer reading some of the input until it starts writing the output that's possible thru the same technique- you have an OMSourcedElement impl which hangs onto the incoming message context to get at the incoming message too.

Hope this helps,

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation; http://www.opensource.lk/
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/

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