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+1 for both the suggestions.

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
> Hi,
> On 10/17/07, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since the topic is about jar dependencies, I'd like to comment on two
> aspects.
> 1. As one can see there is a huge number of dependencies we have in
> Axis2 and I think we ship almost all of them with our releases. Why
> should we release both xbeans and jibx with adb? My suggestion, let's
> ship the minimum number of jars required for a user. If he needs to use
> XmlBeans, then let him download it. Same thing for JiBX.
> And also it is better to see the minimum set of jars required to run a
> client somewhere. I raised this point couple of days before also. If you
> need to do a SOAP call, you need to include more than 20-25 jars.
>> Yes we can do that. We already pick up the databinding implementation
>> by reflection and it is easy enough to print a message to print a
>> readable error message for the absence of the jars.
>> What I prefer to have is jar bundles for each databinding. Say for
>> XMLBeans we have a xmlbeans bundle (Xbeans jar, the Xbeans-codegen
>> module etc) and so on.
> 2. Why do we need to have commons-logging? One would say well it let's
> you plug "any" logging module. How many of the users have really used a
> logging framework other than log4j? This is YAGNI for me. (you can also
> see very good comments about commons-logging from our valuable admirer
> here http://www.bileblog.org/?p=259)
>> Well not really. All our logging code is based on commons-logging. If
>> we are to remove this code it would be somewhat significant effort and
>> also what would you replace it with ? The way it is right now is the
>> best way. What we can do is to send the default config to use
>> java.util logging so that we do not need to send the log4j jar along.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Thanks,
> Chinthaka
> Sanka Samaranayke wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Ajith.
>>>>> I think we should document this somewhere- we often get this question
>>>>> and there's obviously reasons for why we have all these dependencies.
>>>>> We need to clearly indicate which things are optional and indicate
>>>>> under what conditions they come into use.
>>>>> I am not a fan of going back to the seven different distributions
>>>>> model as that was confusing to users. Knowing the dependency reasons
>>>>> will help embedders decide what they really need to pull in and what's
>>>>> optional.
>>>>> One jar I didn't understand is the mex jar. Why is that around; that
>>>>> should only be in the mex mar I believe.
>>>> You need that jar if you use MexClient in your client code.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sanka
>>>>> Sanjiva.
>>>>> Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lawrence,
>>>>>> Let me see whether I can make sense of some of the stuff. Others will
>>>>>> chip in as needed and will surely holler if I make a mistake.
>>>>>>> Axis2 Third Party Dependencies
>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>> activation-1.1.jar                    MIME support
>>>>>>> annogen-0.1.0.jar                     Annotation support
>>>>>>> axiom-api-1.2.5.jar                   XML pull parsing
>>>>>>> axiom-dom-1.2.5.jar                   XML pull parsing
>>>>>>> axiom-impl-1.2.5.jar                  XML pull parsing
>>>>>>> backport-util-concurrent-2.2.jar      ?
>>>>>> Thread pooling support. This feature is built in for Java 1.5 and this
>>>>>> particular jar has a backport of that code to Java 1.4
>>>>>>> commons-codec-1.3.jar                 URL encoding?
>>>>>>> commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar          Used for uploading new service
>>>>>>>                                       files in the admin client?
>>>>>> Yes - needed only when using the webapp
>>>>>>> commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar          Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>> Yes - but primarily on the client side. I believe it is needed in the
>>>>>> server side if asynchronous calls are to be supported.
>>>>>>> commons-io-1.2.jar                    ?
>>>>>>> commons-logging-1.1.jar               Is this related to Log4J?
>>>>>> Well kind of. Commons logging is a common API on multiple logging
>>>>>> frameworks (log4j/java.util.logging) but allows the switching of the
>>>>>> logging engine easily. All the logging code inside the Axis2 source
>>>>>> are made using commons logging classes.
>>>>>>> geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.jar  More annotation support?
>>>>>>> geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.jar         JMS bindings?
>>>>>> JMS transport really.
>>>>>>> httpcore-4.0-alpha5.jar               Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>>> httpcore-nio-4.0-alpha5.jar           Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>>> httpcore-niossl-4.0-alpha5.jar        Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>> The nio (non-blocking io) transport dependancies. Its an improved
>>>>>> version of the HTTP transport. My understanding is that this is used
>>>>>> optionally (the default Axis2.xml does not point to this transport
>>>>>> AFAIK) but needs confirmation
>>>>>>> jaxb-api-2.0.jar                      Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>>> jaxb-impl-2.0.5.jar                   Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>>> jaxb-xjc-2.0.5.jar                    Used by the Axis2 kernel?
>>>>>> These were primarily for the Jaxb based code generation but now  the
>>>>>> JAX-WS module uses these as dependencies. In any case these are needed
>>>>>>  1. if the user needs to generate code with Jaxb data binding
>>>>>>  2. If he needs the JAX-WS module running (which is only on a jdk 1.5
>>>>>> environment)
>>>>>>> jaxen-1.1.1.jar                       XPath engine - where is this
>>>>>>> used?
>>>>>> AXIOM has a Jaxen based Xpath implementation and this jar has the core
>>>>>> Jaxen classes for it
>>>>>>> jettison-1.0-RC1.jar                  JSON StAX parser
>>>>>>> jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar                   Related to JAXB?
>>>>>>> jibx-run-1.1.5.jar                    Related to JAXB?
>>>>>> Nope. Jibx is an alternate databinding. My guess is one would need
>>>>>> these only to use Jibx generated code (databinding - either on server
>>>>>> side or client side)
>>>>>>> juli-6.0.10.jar                       ?
>>>>>> Juli is an alternate implementation to Java.util logging from tomcat.
>>>>>> Here is what the tomcat site says
>>>>>>  "A limitation of JDK Logging appears to be the inability to have
>>>>>> per-web application logging, as the configuration is per-VM. As a
>>>>>> result, Tomcat will, in the default configuration, replace the default
>>>>>> LogManager implementation with a container friendly implementation
>>>>>> called JULI, which addresses these shortcomings."
>>>>>> It seems that this one is needed only when the webapp comes to play
>>>>>>> log4j-1.2.14.jar                      Logging - Is this optional? I
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>                                       always want to use Log4J - for
>>>>>>>                                       example, when working with
>>>>>>> Eclipse.
>>>>>> I suppose the default logging configuration with common-logging is
>>>>>> log4j. I assume we can turn it to java.util logging but most folks are
>>>>>> not in favor of it (it will reduce this jar though)
>>>>>>> mail-1.4.jar                          MIME support?
>>>>>> Yes
>>>>>>> mex-impl-1.3.jar                      ?
>>>>>> Metadata exchange implementation (WS-Mex).
>>>>>>> neethi-2.0.2.jar                      WS Policy - Is this optional?
>>>>>> I don't think so. This would be required both at runtime and codegen
>>>>>> time to process policies
>>>>>>> soapmonitor-1.3.jar                   Is this part of Axis2 or another
>>>>>>>                                       project? Is this just used by the
>>>>>>>                                       Axis2 runtime or is it just the
>>>>>>>                                       standalone SOAP monitor tool?
>>>>>> soapmonitor has two parts - the applet and this server side component.
>>>>>> We may be able to make it optional (i.e. pack it with the war only)
>>>>>>> stax-api-1.0.1.jar                    XML pull parsing - I think this
>>>>>>>                                       should be replaced in the next
>>>>>>>                                       version with Geronimo's
>>>>>>>                                       API as Axiom has made the change
>>>>>> I'm not sure whether the API has changed. But this jar is only the API.
>>>>>>> tribes-6.0.10.jar                     ?
>>>>>> Clustering implementation
>>>>>>> woden-1.0-incubating-M7b.jar          WSDL 2.0 support
>>>>>>> wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar                      WSDL 1.1 support
>>>>>>> wstx-asl-3.2.1.jar                    XML pull parsing
>>>>>>> xbean-2.2.0.jar                       Looks like a competitor to OSGi -
>>>>>>>                                       where is this used?
>>>>>> Don't let the name fool you :) This is actually the XMLBeans core
>>>>>> classes. There is a sepearate project called XBeans that has no
>>>>>> relation to this. This one is only needed if one uses XMLBeans
>>>>>> classes.
>>>>>>> xalan-2.7.0.jar                       XSLT - Where is this used?
>>>>>>> xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar                  DOM parser - Does Axis2 actually
>>>>>>>                                       need a DOM parser? I thought
>>>>>>>                                       everything was done with
>>>>>>>                                       pull parsing.
>>>>>>> xml-apis-1.3.03.jar                   DOM parser
>>>>>> Axis2 has some DOM based code in the code generator but the standard
>>>>>> VM DOM impl is sufficient for that. The above jars are used primarily
>>>>>> by the SAAJ impl which has a DOM level 3 dependency. JDK  1.4 included
>>>>>> parser (Crimson) is  DOM level 2 I believe.
>>>>>>> XmlSchema-1.3.2.jar                   XML schema support
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Lawrence
>>>>>> To me it seems that we can ship certain jars only for the webapp. Also
>>>>>> we have been discussing three types of distros,  minimal, standard and
>>>>>> full which will include jars in various degrees but it seemed a bit
>>>>>> confusing at that time for the users (this was actually done in 1.0
>>>>>> release). May be it is time to restart these discussions
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