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+1 from me.

If some one calls the earlier methods, you can serialize the OMNode and
return, which i think is the easier to do.


keith chapman wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> Currently the method signature for det/get documentation in
> AxisDescriptio is as follows.
>     public String getDocumentation();
>     public void setDocumentation(String documentation);
> As you can see it treats the documentation as a string. There are
> occasions where the documentation can be XML though. If the
> documentation is XML what we do currently is wrap it in CDATA tags. This
> works, but its not the best sollution.
> I propose deprecating the above methods and introducing the following
> methods which that documentation as an OMNode.
>     public OMNode getDocumentation();
>     public void setDocumentation(OMNode documentation);
> This will enable us to set the documentation as an OMText or OMElement.
> If needed we can retain the old methods without deprecating them (Just
> leave them as a convenience method), where they will call into the new
> method.
> The above proposal is targeted at improving the wsdl served by Axis2.
> With what we have currently documentation which is XML is wrapped in
> CDATA tags in the WSDL.
> Thanks,
> Keith.
> -- 
> Keith Chapman
> WSO2 Inc.
> Oxygen for Web Services Developers.
> http://wso2.org/

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