Well, +1 except for the fact that you can't overload getDocumentation() and just change the return type - so there's no way to deprecate that one without adding another method like getDocumentationOM(). We could either do that and avoid breaking existing stuff, or just change getDocumentation() and accept the incompatible change.


Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

keith chapman wrote:
Hi Devs,

Currently the method signature for det/get documentation in AxisDescriptio is as follows.

    public String getDocumentation();
    public void setDocumentation(String documentation);

As you can see it treats the documentation as a string. There are occasions where the documentation can be XML though. If the documentation is XML what we do currently is wrap it in CDATA tags. This works, but its not the best sollution.

I propose deprecating the above methods and introducing the following methods which that documentation as an OMNode.

    public OMNode getDocumentation();
    public void setDocumentation(OMNode documentation);

This will enable us to set the documentation as an OMText or OMElement.

If needed we can retain the old methods without deprecating them (Just leave them as a convenience method), where they will call into the new method.

The above proposal is targeted at improving the wsdl served by Axis2. With what we have currently documentation which is XML is wrapped in CDATA tags in the WSDL.


Keith Chapman
WSO2 Inc.
Oxygen for Web Services Developers.

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