
Thanks for the insights.  I agree that there's a gap that needs to be
closed here.  I'll write up the thoughts I've had for a little while on
this and float them to the list.

I don't know if I'll have time to affect all of this, but I will at least
try to lay it out and others can contribute if they'd like to pick pieces
of it up.



             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
             11/28/2007 09:35                                          
             PM                                                    Subject
                                       Re: [Axis2] JAX-WS: problems with
                                       annotated methods               
             Please respond to                                         
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

Hi Nick,

Forwarding this with Axis2 lable.

Looking at the issue, we found that in the scenario that we talk about
POJODeployer being able to deploy a JSR-181 annotated pojo through JAXWS in
Axis2. I found some issues and with the help of Deepal we fixed them

1) Service not exposing with the annotated name correctly , Fixed
2) Operation if not exposing with the annotated name correctly , Fixed
3) ?wsdl not reflet the service correctly , Fixed

then we tried to invoke the service with a client and in rest way.
But then we fond that the service that got deployed did not attached with
the JAXWS Message Receiver and it being exposed with the default RPC
Message Receiver, with some debuggig we found that in the DiscrptionFactory
the axisService JAXWS module

  public static AxisService createAxisService(Class serviceImplClass) {
        ServiceDescription serviceDescription = createServiceDescription
        EndpointDescription[] edArray =
serviceDescription.getEndpointDescriptions ();
        AxisService axisService = edArray[0].getAxisService();
        return axisService;

did not attached the correct MR to the axisService.

I guess this is an issue, and would like to have your thoughts on this and
about the overall deployment integration of JAXWS to Axis2 as mentioned in
the earlier mail.


On Nov 28, 2007 8:16 AM, Lahiru Sandakith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Nick,

  I was also looking at the possibilities of JSR-181 annotated class
  exposing as a Axis2/JAXWS service.

  On Nov 28, 2007 2:39 AM, Nicholas L Gallardo < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Are you talking about a JAX-WS specific deployer, or the POJO deployer?
   I'm not aware of a JAX-WS specific one, but certainly agree that one is

  This is about POJO Deployer, Simply we get this class

  package jaxws.example;

  import javax.jws.WebMethod;
  import javax.jws.WebService;

  @WebService(name= "WSASJAX_Service2", targetNamespace = " ")
  public class JAXWSService1 {

      @WebMethod(operationName = "echoMethodString")

      public String echoMethod(String s){
          return s;

  * make it a jar
  * edit the axis2.xml entry specific on POJODeployer to pick up .jar files
  * put the jar into the repository/pojo directory
  * start axis2.

  When we do that we see the service with 2 methods echoMethodString and
  echoMethod.  This is  how to reproduce the issue.

  Also I saw that in the POJODeployer class code, If the JAXWS jars are
  present in the classpath then it will try to deploy it as a JAXWS
  endpoint, else it will deploy it as a Axis2 endpoint.
   guess this maybe the cause to the problem.

   My guess as to what's happening...

   Right now, we have POJO deployment, but we don't have good JAX-WS
   integration into the deployment infrastructure.

   So actually what will be the procedure in the JAXWS module that we have
  in the Axis2, to get a service in to the axis2 deployment? What will be
  the packaging, is it the same as the AAR model, and do we need the wsdl
   You're bean is being picked up as a POJO and deployed as such which is
   where the "echoMethod" entry is coming from.


   Then, when your request hits the JAXWSMessageReceiver the first time,
   the JAX-WS layer goes through its own metadata initialization. This
   includes building up not only a
   EndpointDescription/OperationDescription, but a set of
   AxisService/AxisOperation objects to match. These are being mapped to
   "echomethodString" which is where the other entry comes from.

   When you say "It takes echoMethod and echomethodString as two different
   methods.", what exactly do you mean there? They are reflected as two
   operations in the WSDL?

  No actually the ?wsdl generation fails in this above described scenario.

   To the point of the WSDL 1.1 generation, that leads me to believe this
   isn't being deployed as a JAX-WS endpoint at all. We've known for a
   while that since we don't have formal tooling for JAX-WS that there is
   no generation. I'm guessing that you're endpoint is being deployed as a
   normal POJO endpoint using the base Axis2 runtime instead of JAX-WS.

  Yes, Agreed these are issues in the POJODeployer and seems is we make the
  web method like this

      @WebMethod(operationName = "echoString")

      public String echoMethod(String s){
          return s;

  The scenario worked for me but making the annotated oprtation name same
  as the method name,  breaks the whole concept of  having the JSR-181
  annotations at the first place.
  Will look in to more on this, I am looking forward on the way that how I
  can  make use of the JAXWS module  in regarding  JSR-181 annotated class.




   Inactive hide details for "keith chapman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   "keith chapman" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                         "keith chapman"                               
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
               >                                      To
                                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                         11/20/2007                    org             
                         01:49 AM                                      
            Please respond to                          Re: JAX-WS:     
                       problems with   
                                                       annotated methods


   This is due to a bug in the jaxws deployer and MessageReceiver. This can
   be solved as follows,

   During deployment name the axisOperation according to the annotation
   ("echomethodString") in this case and put a parameter into the
   axisOperation stating the actual method name, therefore in the
   messageReceiver we know which method to call. Can somebody familiar with
   JaxWS code do this fix please.

   On Nov 20, 2007 11:42 AM, Charitha Kankanamge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
         Hi devs,

         I was trying to deploy jax-ws based service using axis2. Here is
         service impl class. please note that, I did not include any wsdl
         the service jar.

         @WebService(name= "WSASJAX_Service2", targetNamespace =
         public class jaxwsservice2 {
         @WebMethod(operationName = "echomethodString")
         public String echoMethod(String s){
         return s;


         Axis2 does not handle this service correctly. It takes echoMethod
         echomethodString as two different methods. Also Axis2 was unable
         generate wsdl1.1 using the above service impl class. WSDL
         generation was
         successful when I removed the annotation members of @WEbMethod

         It seems that the Axis2 JAX-WS implementation is unable to handle
         of the annotations which have annon members. I reported a JIRA for
         issue at

         since this is a fundamental scenario, it will be great if this is
         resolved ASAP.

         Please let me know if there are any issues in the above steps
         which were
         used to generate jax-ws service.



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   Keith Chapman
   WSO2 Inc.
   Oxygen for Web Services Developers.

  Lahiru Sandakith
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Lahiru Sandakith
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