+1 on Glen's -1 of using a whole new set of types to support SOAP
encoding.  A String must map to a soapenc:string and a Array[] must map
to a SOAP encoded array.

I would also argue for "full" multiref support, as servers will be
sending this back to Axis2 clients, right?

Amila, please feel free to use the Axis 1.x code base as a reference for
how to do any of this.  Please also feel free to NOT to duplicate the
Array serialization/deserialization bugs. :-)

Tom Jordahl
Axis 1.x guy

-----Original Message-----
From: Glen Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 1:49 AM
To: axis-dev@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Soap Encoding support with ADB

Hey Amila:

>     won't need them.  But for SOAP 1.1, the situation is different.
>     encoding spec says you MUST encode all complex object types as
>     members of the serialization.  Therefore ALL conforming SOAP 1.1
>     encoding implementations will be putting out stuff that looks like
>     <soap:body>
>       <operation>
>         <arg1 href="#obj1"/>
>       </operation>
>       <multiref id="obj1">
>         <name>the real argument</name>
>         <color>blue</color>
>       </multiref>
>     </soap:body>
> is this means it is allowed to have more than one xml element in the 
> soap:body ?

Yes.  But - I was incorrect about the MUST above!  My hands were typing 
a little ahead of my brain there. :)  Multirefs are not in fact 
*required* by SOAP 1.1 section 5, but some implementations (Axis 1.X 
included) will by default serialize all complex objects as multirefs 
since it speeds writing (if you don't do it that way you have to walk 
the entire data graph to see what objects are referred to multiple times

before serializing).

> I have to think about bit. We can resolve the problem with parsing as
> have mentioned earlier but can not think about a way to serialize with

> multirefs.

Again, my bad - we're not forced to do so, so it's ok for us not to, as 
long as we accept that we're not going to be able to do real graphs.  If

no one wants this particular functionality, I'm fine with punting on it.

Your idea about parsing the XML to remove the hrefs and generate a 
larger "virtual" expanded document on the reading side should work fine,

although it will potentially cause repeated data if a multiref is used 
many times.  Probably not a big deal.  I'll respond to the rest of your 
other note in another message.


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