could you provide the wsdl and a soap-trace?
which style and encoding are u using?
Cheers Wolfgang

--- Frank Zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I am re-posting this message, hoping to get some
> urgent help. 
>  I am using AXIS 1.4 for my web service needs. I am
>  now
>  encounting the following error when I try to send
> an
>  XML over HTTP:
>  I have a valid XML message as a string, the XML
>  message defines a namespace at the root element
> like
>  this:
>    xmlns:ns1="somthing"
>  Let me assume this xml string as xmltext, now I
>  create
>  a soap envelope with this XML message as body, the
> soapEnvelope object seems good to me in my debugger,
> but a problem occurs when I try to deserialize it
> using soapEnvelope.toString() or
> soapEnvelope.getAsString().
>  I notice that for every local element in the
>  original
>  xml such as this:
>     <ns1:rec>xxx</ns1:rec>,
>  in the output string, I get the the following:
>     <ns1:rec xmlns:ns1="">xxx</ns1:rec>
>  That is, there is an extra attribute with empty
>  value.
>  This causes problems for the receivers of the http
>  response.
>  Here are my code snappet: 
>  ===================================================
>      SOAPEnvelope soapEnvelope = new SOAPEnvelope();
>      Element bodyElement =
>  createDocument(xmltext).getDocumentElement();
>      org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement
>  messageElement = new
>  The createDocument(xmlText) calls the following
>  APIs:
>     InputSource source = new InputSource( new
>  StringReader( xmlText ) ) ;
>     DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
>  DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
>  factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(false);
>     DocumentBuilder docBuilder =
>  factory.newDocumentBuilder();
>     return docBuilder.parse(source);
>  It seems to me that AXIS has a bug handling this
>  case.
>  Any help is very much appreciated!
>  Thanks!
>  Frank
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