On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Deepal jayasinghe <deep...@gmail.com>wrote:

> >
> > Yes this introduces new URL patterns. To be exact, the URI based
> > dispatcher treats the '/' character to separate service name and
> > operation name (if any). But in this new case, service name can have
> > '/' character.
> Dont you think that is confusing ? how do you know whether it is service
> version or the operation ?

Ok let me explain. In the URI based service dispatcher, lets say we have the
incoming URL services/foo/Echo. When it give this to
parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation method to process, it returns value[0]
> foo, value[1] > Echo and value[2] > foo/Echo.

Then it tries to find a service from 'foo'. If so, fine this is the existing
case (In the URI based operation dispatcher, it will find the operation
Echo). If there's no service called 'foo', then it tries to find a service
from foo/Echo (value[2]). If it exists, that is our hierarchical serivce.

That is how I've done it. The only limitaion is in the scenario in which we
have two services 'foo' and 'foo/Echo'. In that case, priority is given to
'foo' service. But I think it is not common to have a service name equal to
a folder name.


> > If look at my patch carefully, I have handled this without affecting
> > the existing behaviour. It first tries to find the service in the
> > normal manner. If not found, checks whether this is a hierarchical
> > service.
> I already commented on this by looking at the patch. The way you have
> handle is not correct.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >     > Currently Axis2 can only deploy services at the repository/services
> >     > level. This makes it impossible to deploy several versions of
> >     the same
> >     > service.
> >     I do not agree, you can have the version name in the aar file, for
> >     example foo-1.0.aar and foo-1.1.aar. Then at the deployment time just
> >     append the version number to the service name (to make the service
> >     name
> >     unique)
> >
> >
> > Yes you can do that. But when you implement that, it introduces '.'
> > characters into the service name. That clashes with the logic to
> > identify the endpoint.
> Yes this endpoint concept is something we introduce in wrong way, which
> broke some of the useful scenarios.
> > Therefore even if you do it that way, most of my fixes are needed.
> If the "." is taken we can take something else like "-", which would
> nice and easy than having "/"
> >
> >
> > Can you please explain some real scenarios in which this breaks the
> > existing functionality?
> When you add "if-else" statement into your code, which add  two control
> paths, so we need to test all of them. Second when you do some code
> changes on critical path how do you make sure that you do not break
> anything. If you want any proof just go and look axis mail archives,
> some times people do very small modification and it took a long time to
> identify and fix them.

Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.org/
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