

On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 09:20 -0800, Glen Daniels wrote:
> Greetings, everyone.
> A bunch of us here at ApacheCon were talking about the Axis2 TLP idea, and
> how to move this forward in the simplest and most effective way.  We came up
> with *exactly* the same structure that we had proposed a year ago. :)  So,
> having only altered the page in order to remove a step (the promotion of
> WS-Commons sub-sub-projects to WS subprojects - this isn't really necessary
> as we can still decide what to do about each sub-sub-project individually
> later), I'd like to bring the following proposal up for a VOTE of the Web
> Services PMC.  If this passes, I plan to submit this resolution to the board
> as soon as possible.
> http://wiki.apache.org/ws/FrontPage/Proposals/Axis2TLPProposal
> Note that I added just the first few people in the current PMC roster as
> examples.  I also nominated myself as the Axis2 chair for now - if anyone
> else would like to volunteer to do this, please let me know.  Eventually I'd
> like to drop one or the other PMC chair role, but for now I'm OK doing both.
> So if you would, please:
> 1) VOTE
> 2) Add yourself to the list of project members on the wiki page if you are an
> existing PMC member and would like to be on the new Axis2 PMC
> Here is my +1 for this proposal.
> Thanks,
> --Glen

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