Hi All,

I have some basic doubts on RPC/Encoded style wsdl and what is the
role of Java to XML Data Binding Frameworks like JAXB, Castor etc. in
RPC/Encoded approach when we are going to consume such WSDL using AXIS
and how custom serializers or deserializers work with such java to xml
data binding frameworks in the process of generating the soap request
envelope ?

More specifically can we use Java to XML Data Binding frameworks like
Castor, JAXB in a RPC/Encoded style wsdl consumption ? If so what are
the advantage such approaches ?

Also, can anyone please tell me what ALL are the advantages of
RPC/Encoded style over document/literal or rpc/literal specially in
supporting java collections like HashMap's, Vector's and complex java
beans etc. ?

Thanks & Regards,

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