Hi Anne,

Big +1 to your views on this!!

I've been pushing Glen hard to forget about SOAP encoding .. :-) Making progress but
not quite there yet!

FWIW, Axis2 will *not* have built in support for SOAP enc; it'll be layered on top
and will run slower and uglier etc. etc.. The core is pure document-oriented; with
RPC (literal) layered on top as a pattern - just like how WSDL2 does it.


Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

Also -- from my perspective, there are absolutely no advantages of
using SOAP encoding over literal encoding. That's of course working on
the assumption that the reason you are using SOAP is to enable
heterogeneous interoperability.

If you want to use SOAP in place of a homogeneous distributed object
system like RMI, then there might be some small advantage in using
SOAP encoding when passing rich object graphs. But if you want to do
homogeneous distributed object computing, then you should use RMI, not

All performance tests I've seen show that RPC/encoded is slower than
RPC/literal or doc/literal. And a huge number of interop problems are
caused by SOAP encoding.

I'm sure that Glen Daniels has a different opinion, though.


On 4/26/05, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can't use a Java/XML binding framework with RPC/encoded. They only
work with literal encodings.


Hi All,

I have some basic doubts on RPC/Encoded style wsdl and what is the
role of Java to XML Data Binding Frameworks like JAXB, Castor etc. in
RPC/Encoded approach when we are going to consume such WSDL using AXIS
and how custom serializers or deserializers work with such java to xml
data binding frameworks in the process of generating the soap request
envelope ?

More specifically can we use Java to XML Data Binding frameworks like
Castor, JAXB in a RPC/Encoded style wsdl consumption ? If so what are
the advantage such approaches ?

Also, can anyone please tell me what ALL are the advantages of
RPC/Encoded style over document/literal or rpc/literal specially in
supporting java collections like HashMap's, Vector's and complex java
beans etc. ?

Thanks & Regards,

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