I would say that this is a problem in ATL. The SOAP spec permits hrefs
in any compond type (not just arrays and structs). You should ask the
ATL group what other parts of the SOAP spec it doesn't support.

To avoid this issue, I suggest that you use literal encoding rather
than SOAP encoding.


On 5/1/05, Moshe Kravchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've encountered with what seems to be a compatibility problem between ATL
> SOAP Web Service and Axis client.
> The minimal scenario is like that. I create a service using ATL Server
> having the following
> function:
> struct SITest{
> int val;
> };
> [id(1)] HRESULT PassStructInt([in]SITest data);
> When I create the proxy classes using WSDL2Java and try to call this
> function, I get back the SOAP fault response and I can see in debugger
> console the following lines:
> ATL Server only allows href's on arrays and structs.
> ATLSOAP: fatal parse error: Unspecified error
> I've got the SOAPToolkit trace and I can see that in the request the val
> inside the struct is passed using href.
> So I've two questions:
> 1. Is that a known issue and how do I overcome it? I need to pass structures
> back and force, it is basic mechanism.
> 2. What other incompatibilities are waiting for me between ATL and Java?
> Thank you,
> Moshe.

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