I've been experimenting using Axis and Castor along the lines described in
the IBM article:
Everything's working fine, but I have a few questions:

1. I want to test that the WS messages are being validated against my schema
(after all, this is one of the main reasons I'm using Castor rather than
plain old WSDL2Java). My test set-up involves using the Castor generated
code on the client and server side, so it's impossible to generate invalid
XML! What's the simplest way to test this?

2. On the server side, I already have a set of DTOs that I must use internal
to the app. So I'm currently having to translate between the Castor
generated objects and my own DTOs, which is a pain. Ideally, I'd like Castor
to unmarshall/marshall directly to/from my DTOs. I've read the provided
Castor XML Mapping documentation but I can't see how to integrate my Castor
XML mapping file into my Axis+Castor solution. Can this be done?

3. If the answer to 2. is yes, can the incoming WS request messages and the
outgoing WS response messages still be validated against my schema?

If the answer to 2 & 3 is yes, yippeeee!

Thanks for any help,

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