JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.)  Most SOAP implementations for Java
implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.

I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).

I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.

I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML.  Still trying to
> understand how to create a Web service using Java.  It seems you have a
> number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
> simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
> fro even the hello world.  Just found this Apache Axis,  seems to be
> easier.  Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to
> reviews/comparisons?
> Thanks,
> Frank

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