- Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.


I'm having trouble getting the axis server to recognize the javax.activation.jar and getting the above error when deploying my service. I want to stream a file to a server using the DataHandler class so I've added the activation.jar to the Tomcat5.0\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib directory and when I run the axis happiness page it states that it has Found Activation API ( javax.activation.DataHandler ) at the right location. However when I try to deploy my wsdd file (with the activation.jar) in the classpath I get the above error, and the wsdl2java ignores the DataHandler parameter I've added to the method call.

It seems like some sort of classpath issue? But I have the activation.jar in the classpath when I'm running the wsdl2java cmd so any help would be much appreciated.


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