It will create a proxy with the necessary entities. that reflect how the XML document is supposed to appear. You can then use these entities to craft a msg to submit to the appropriate operation.

i.e. if your WSDL is expecting a PriceCheckRequest document (and includes the appropriate schema info) as a parameter to an operation (for example: checkPrice) then it will generate the class that knows how to serialize itself and it generates the proxy with the methods identified in the WSDL.

I hope that gives you what you want. try it out. It's nice. (btw, I can't guarantee that your Web Service that your consuming is defined correctly or has the appropriate corresponding WSDL to accommodate this).


Carmine Gargiulo wrote:
Whaaaaaaaaaat??? sure?? :D

WSDL2Java generate a client in java with call functions??

In data Wed, 12 Oct 2005 19:22:25 +0200, Brian Bonner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

If you have the WSDL for a document-style webservice, you can use WSDL2Java to generate yourself a client that you can work with. Then you can call the service using the generated client.


Carmine Gargiulo wrote:

i've a BIG problem

for my work i MUST ask infodata to document-style WebService.

In the net i've found a lot of example of clients for RPC-style WS...but not for document-style WebService.

In general the code was:

String nameWS = "http://localhost:8080/axis/services/wsRemote";;
URL endPointWS = new URL(nameWS);

// init
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();


String op1 = new String(myParam);

call.addParameter("op1", XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);


ret = String.valueOf(call.invoke(new Object[] {op1}));

I'm junior of axis and WebService.....and I think that for document-style WebService the cose above not is rith.

The WS give me a XML but i don't know take this xml....and if this XML is in HD or in memory or other.

Please help me!! I'S VERY URGENT

--Carmine Gargiulo

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