The issue raised up by Kurt (I think) has derived into "Is Axis good or bad?" but I think a lot of his points are mostly related to "Are SOAP Web Services good or bad?".

Maybe this list is not the very best place to discuss this issue but all of us here probably have something to say about it.

SOAP web services tried to be everything for everybody so the specs became so bloated and full of holes that every implementation was incompatible with the others. The very same problem that SOAP WS tried to fix. So after a couple of years they got together and wrote a long document called WS-I that is probably at least as long as the original WS spec, enumerating all the different ways in which you should and should not implement your WS if you want it to interoperated. This kind of "meta-specification" should never have occurred.

My very humble opinion is: XML is here to stay for some time, the concept of web services (based on something like XML) has been here for a long time (before soap, etc) and is here to stay for some time. However, SOAP/WSDL and friends will rapidly decay into a historical mess that computer historians will study and learn what went wrong.

A few months ago I had similar frustrations. After a long night of reading tons of Axis source code to understand what the hell was going on at the low level and trying to come with "best practice" solutions for my web service at the high level I wrote this little rant:

Subject: I'm fed up with SOAP

Someone brightly/ironically suggested:

"It sounds like you need a REST  :-)"

And he is right. For my future projects, unless I *positively* need SOAP, I will go with much simpler solutions.


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