Found the OMNavigator object that seems to do the trick!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antony Grinyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 08 November 2005 08:44 pm
> To:
> Subject: Axis2 API OMElement limitation?
> Hi,
> Apologies if this is a basic question, but I can't seem to 
> find a method on the OMElement to find a child element deep 
> in an XML document? The OMElement object methods 
> "getChildrenWithName()" and "getFirstChildWithName()" seems 
> to only go one leaf deep. Say in the following instance I 
> want to get the  element <d/>:
> <a>
>    <b/>
>    <b/>
>    <b>
>       <c/>
>    </b>
>    <b>
>       <c>
>          <d/>
>       </c>
>    </b>
> </a>
> Is there no method to get element <d/> from a direct API call 
> on the OMElement object? or do I have to implement a 
> recursive tree walker myself?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ant

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