when did pojo's come into the picture? i was referring to the client-side api classes generated by WSDL2Java - the <types> section of the WSDL is XML Schema, which has all the rules for "required", "optional", and so forth. WSDL2Java consumes the XSD and produces Java code (in the form of the client api data classes) that enforce those rules. it sounded like you wanted to change those rules post-WSDL2Java. but now it sounds like you're not using WSDL2Java at all? i guess i'm not sure how you generated your service or your client - is the client-side hand-written (thus pojo) or generated? or are you talking straight XML to your service? sorry, it's getting late - i'm rambling...
Todd Orr wrote:

Really, how? Do I annotate the methods or something? How does the Java2WSDL generate a WSDL that reflects the constraints on my pojo?

On 11/22/05, *Ron Reynolds * <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    that sort of info is normally contained in the XSD and embedded
    into the code
    via WSDL2Java...  you're trying to change a WSDD so that the
    generated WSDL's
    XSD has requirements that aren't mirrored in the original WSDL
    from which the
    WSDD was generated? :-?  from what i've seen the client-side
    validation is
    embedded into the client-side stub code and that also is extracted
    from the
    WSDL/XSD from which it was generated.

    > Pardon my noobiness, but I've googled the hell out of this to no
    avail. Is
    > there a way to specify required properties in the wsdd file so
    that the
    > schema gets generated accordingly? All I want to do is specify
    > elements so that the validation can occur at XML validation time
    > hitting the code.
    > Thanks,
    > T

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