> Hello Jay,
>    It is common to wrap the operation parameters in a parent element ;
> it is the wrapped/literal approach. But why do you want this wrapping
> element to be generic with a meaning less name "Request".
>    Couldn't you give it a meaningfull name ? Your service consumers
> and your QA & integration teams will thank you for this clarity ? It
> is self-documented.

Sorry for the minor miss-communication error here, Cyrille.  I didn't
write the XML Schema as I'm not the author of the service.  I'm actually
trying to write a client.  Some other company wrote the service.

Why did they decide on names like "Request", "Response" and
"FaultDetails"?  I wish I knew.

Your suggestions on the separation of schema and operations certainly
makes sense.  Unfortunately for me, I can't really influence the
situation that much, I just have to live with it.  ;-(


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