Dear all,

I'm a new axis2 user and want to learn it by following the instructions in it's user guide.

First of all, i tried to generate a web service from a given WSDL as introduced in "Writing Web Services by Code Generating Skeleton". Therefore, i generated Java files from Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl found in samples\wsdl directory. I also passed "-d xmlbeans" parameter to WSDL2Java.bat to make it use XMLBeans databinding. When i looked at the generated files, i found two directory created: src and resources. Under resources folder there was an interesting directory called "schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans" which i could not found any reference in user guide. I thought it must be "schema" directory mentioned in the guide. Anyway, i filled the empty methods in file with the codes given in the user guide. Created services.xml file and filled with the code given in the guide. And created a package called Axis2SampleDocLitPortType.aar by following the instuctions. After all, i put the  file under the \webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services directory. Then after started Tomcat 5.5, clicked the "services" link listed in http://localhost:8080/axis2/index.jsp. Since i did not see the Axis2SampleDocLitPortType service listed in the page, looked at the log files of Tomcat resides under logs directory. Then i saw a line says "NullPointerException" without any further information. I also tried to change the name of schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans directory to schema. It did not work either.

Am i missing something?

Thans in advance,

Ali Sadik Kumlali

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