
I have this scenario wherein I am trying to construct the input/output soap-message structures and since I need to display them also, I am preparing some internal models for representing them.


I am also required to store additional information like node-occurrence and node-qualification (whether qualified or unqualified). I have been able to retrieve schema-level qualification through SchemaImport. However, I would also need to get the qualification specified at the element declaration level as “form” attribute in schema. Is this possible using axis APIs (I am using axis 1.2.1)? Or do I need to resort to any schema-parsing utility like JaxME or Castor? But herein I must press the fact that primarily I am parsing a WSDL so axis API is my best resort.


Note: I may use getNode method on a TypeEntry instance but what about derived-simple schema types?


Appreciate any help in this regard,


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