Thanks for your quick response.

The axis2 WSDL2Java runs without error and generates the required java
files if "-d xmlbeans" is used. 

Then I sticked to the Axis2 manual: The input parameter are to be
created by factories on the Interfaces of input parameter types.

I cannot use any factory on any type, as I am always getting an error
like the following. Please note that the generated ",xsb"-Files are on
the classpath. 

What would you suggest do next? Is it more expected to be a misusage
issue of "xmlbeans" or more like to get fixed by getting deeper into


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem.
Unable to load class with name
 Make sure the generated binary files are on the classpath.
        ... 2 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 3 mor


On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 15:56 +0530, Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
> Hi,
> Try the XMLBeans databinding with the -d xmlbeans
> On 4/27/06, Koelle, Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Hi,
> >
> >  would someone please mind taking a glimpse on the following wsdl-file
> > regarding axis1 and axis2 compatibility? Thanks in advance. All new for me,
> > and I don't know where to look first. Seems that the first wsdl-file I got
> > is not a good start.
> >
> >  Background:
> >  I can run axis 1.2.1 WSDL2Java on the wsdl without problem, i.e. generate
> > stubs, but get an runtime error, if I execute a method on my stubs. The
> > response returned is exactly how it should be, but there seems to be a
> > problem in the object mapping.
> >
> >  I get a similar error for stubs generated with  axis 1.3 WSDL2Java.
> >
> >  I cannot run axis 2 WSDL2Java on the the file via ant or provided script as
> > I am getting a "Unsupported content Simple Content Extension !"
> >
> >  All at all, I assume that the WSDL-File is not "optimized" for Axis. I
> > appreciate all of your comments, as I do not know exactly where to start to
> > look first. It is fairly new for me. I will get into all this but it is far
> > to much to assess the situation now.
> >
> >  Thanks in advance & Regards
> >  Chris
> >
> >  Below:
> >  WSDL2-Java error Axis2 0.95
> >  Runtime-error Axis 1.2.1
> >  Soap Request
> >  Soap Response
> >  WSDL-file provided
> >
> > ###########################################################
> >  Error while running Axis 2 0.95-WSDL2Java
> >
> >  Exception in thread "main"
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException:
> >  java.lang.RuntimeException:
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException :
> >  Unsupported content Simple Content Extension !
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine.generate(CodeGener
> >
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java.main(
> >  Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilation
> >  Exception: Unsupported content Simple Content Extension !
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.extension.SimpleDBExtension.engage(Simp
> >
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine.generate(CodeGener
> >
> >          ... 2 more
> >  Caused by:
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException:
> > Unsupported content Simple Content Extension !
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processSimpleContent(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processContentModel(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processComplexType(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processNamedComplexSchemaType(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processSchema(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processElement(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.processElement(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.compile(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler.compile(
> >          at
> > org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.extension.SimpleDBExtension.engage(
> >          ... 3 more
> >  ####################################################
> >  Error with "Axis 1.2.1"-generated stubs during runtime when calling:
> >      StaticAttributeProfileService service = new
> > StaticAttributeProfileServiceLocator();
> >      StaticAttributeProfile myStub =
> > service.getStaticAttributeProfileSOAPPort();
> >      Stub axisStub2 = (Stub) myStub;
> >      [...]
> >      myStub.getDocumentTypes(epc);
> >
> >
> >  2006-04-27 10:22:47,410 DEBUG [main]
> > org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext: Popped
> > element stack to
> > org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement:schemaList
> >  2006-04-27 10:22:47,410 DEBUG [main]
> > org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext: Exit:
> > DeserializationContext::endElement()
> >  2006-04-27 10:22:47,410 DEBUG [main]
> > org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle:
> > org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(exception00)
> >  2006-04-27 10:22:47,410 ERROR [main] org.apache.axis.client.Call:
> > Exception:
> >  org.apache.axis.types.URI$MalformedURIException: No scheme
> > found in URI.
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializer.onEndElement(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializerImpl.endElement(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.publishToHandler(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.deserialize(
> >  at
> > org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.getParams(
> >  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
> >  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
> >  at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
> >  at
> > _1.wsdl.xml.StaticAttributeProfile.EPCIS.interchange.specification.epc.StaticAttributeProfileSoapBindingStub.getDocumentTypes(
> >  ...
> >  ####################################################
> >  Request, as expected
> >  <soapenv:Envelope
> >  xmlns:soapenv="";
> >  xmlns:xsd="";
> >  xmlns:xsi="";>
> >  <soapenv:Header>
> >  <AuthInfo
> >  soapenv:actor="";
> >  soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
> >  <ns1:UserToken
> > xmlns:ns1="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:Authentication:xml:schema:1">
> >  <ns1:UserName>XXX</ns1:UserName>
> >  <ns1:Password>XXX</ns1:Password>
> >  </ns1:UserToken>
> >  </AuthInfo>
> >  </soapenv:Header>
> >  <soapenv:Body>
> >  <getDocumentTypes
> > xmlns="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1">
> >  <epc>urn:epc:id:sgtin:0434687.075859.12</epc>
> >  </getDocumentTypes>
> >  </soapenv:Body>
> >  </soapenv:Envelope>
> >  ####################################################
> >  Request, as expected
> >  <soapenv:Envelope
> >  xmlns:soapenv="";
> >  xmlns:xsd="";
> >  xmlns:xsi="";>
> >  <soapenv:Body>
> >  <schemaList
> > xmlns="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1">
> >  <schema
> > xmlns="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:schema:1">
> >  product_information
> >  </schema>
> >  </schemaList>
> >  </soapenv:Body>
> >  </soapenv:Envelope>
> >  ####################################################
> >  WSDL
> >  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >  <wsdl:definitions name="StaticDataProfile"
> > targetNamespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1"
> >  xmlns="";
> > xmlns:auth="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:Authentication:xml:schema:1"
> > xmlns:pmlidentifier="urn:epc:specification:universal:Identifier:xml:schema:1"
> >  xmlns:soap="";
> >  xmlns:soapenc="";
> > xmlns:static="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1"
> >  xmlns:wsdl="";
> >  xmlns:xsd="";>
> >  <wsdl:types><!-- Begin Auth info schema-->
> >  <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  elementFormDefault="qualified"
> > targetNamespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:Authentication:xml:schema:1"
> > xmlns:auth="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:Authentication:xml:schema:1"
> >  xmlns:xsd="";>
> >  <xsd:complexType name="UserTokenType">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="UserName" type="xsd:string" />
> >  <xsd:element name="Password" type="xsd:string" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:complexType name="AuthInfoType">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="UserToken"
> >  type="auth:UserTokenType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:element name="AuthInfo" type="auth:AuthInfoType" />
> >  </xsd:schema><!-- End of Auth info schema--><!-- Start of Identifier info
> > schema-->
> >  <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  elementFormDefault="qualified"
> > targetNamespace="urn:epc:specification:universal:Identifier:xml:schema:1"
> >  version="1.0"
> > xmlns:pmlidentifier="urn:epc:specification:universal:Identifier:xml:schema:1"
> >  xmlns:xsd="";>
> >  <xsd:element name="ID"
> >  type="pmlidentifier:IdentifierType" />
> >  <xsd:complexType name="IdentifierType">
> >  <xsd:simpleContent>
> >  <xsd:extension base="xsd:token">
> >  <xsd:attribute name="schemeID"
> >  type="xsd:token" use="optional" />
> >  <xsd:attribute name="schemeAgencyID"
> >  type="xsd:token" use="optional" />
> >  <xsd:attribute name="schemeVersionID"
> >  type="xsd:token" use="optional" />
> >  <xsd:attribute name="schemeURI"
> >  type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional" />
> >  </xsd:extension>
> >  </xsd:simpleContent>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  </xsd:schema><!-- End of Identifier info schema--><!-- Start of element
> > declarations for StaticProfile Schema-->
> >  <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  elementFormDefault="qualified"
> > targetNamespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:schema:1"
> >  version="1.0"
> > xmlns:sap="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:schema:1"
> >  xmlns:xsd="";>
> >  <xsd:complexType mixed="true" name="xmlType">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
> >  namespace="##any" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:complexType name="schemaList">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
> >  name="schema" type="sap:schemaType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:simpleType name="schemaType">
> >  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI" />
> >  </xsd:simpleType>
> >  <xsd:complexType name="epcList">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
> >  name="epc" type="sap:epcType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:simpleType name="epcType">
> >  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyURI" />
> >  </xsd:simpleType>
> >  <xsd:simpleType name="successType">
> >  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:boolean" />
> >  </xsd:simpleType>
> >  <xsd:complexType name="xpathType">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="expr" type="xsd:string" />
> >  <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="nsdecl"
> >  type="xsd:string">
> >  <xsd:annotation>
> >  <xsd:documentation>
> >  The namespace declarations used by
> >  the xpath expression. This is a list
> >  of space delimited NS declarations
> >  usually of the for
> >  xmlns:[somePrefix]=[someURI]
> >  </xsd:documentation>
> >  </xsd:annotation>
> >  </xsd:element>
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  </xsd:schema><!-- End of elements  for Static Profile Schema-->
> >  <!-- Start of element declerations for StaticProfile wsdl-->
> >  <xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> >  elementFormDefault="qualified"
> > targetNamespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1"
> > xmlns:pmlidentifier="urn:epc:specification:universal:Identifier:xml:schema:1"
> > xmlns:sap="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:schema:1"
> > xmlns:static="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1"
> >  xmlns:xsd="";>
> >  <xsd:import
> > namespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:Authentication:xml:schema:1"
> > />
> >  <xsd:import
> > namespace="urn:epc:specification:universal:Identifier:xml:schema:1"
> > />
> >  <xsd:import
> > namespace="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:schema:1"
> > />
> >  <xsd:complexType name="attributeDataIn">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="epc"
> >  type="pmlidentifier:IdentifierType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="schema"
> >  type="sap:schemaType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="xpath" type="sap:xpathType" />
> >  <xsd:element form="unqualified" name="value"
> >  type="sap:xmlType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:element name="addAttributeData"
> >  type="static:attributeDataIn" />
> >  <xsd:element name="setAttributeData"
> >  type="static:attributeDataIn" />
> >  <xsd:complexType name="getAttributeData">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="epc"
> >  type="pmlidentifier:IdentifierType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="schema"
> >  type="sap:schemaType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="xpath" type="sap:xpathType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:element name="getAttributeData"
> >  type="static:getAttributeData" />
> >  <xsd:element name="deleteAttributeData"
> >  type="static:getAttributeData" />
> >  <xsd:complexType name="EPCSWithAttribute">
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="schema"
> >  type="sap:schemaType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="xpath" type="sap:xpathType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:element name="getEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  type="static:EPCSWithAttribute" />
> >  <xsd:element name="deleteEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  type="static:EPCSWithAttribute" />
> >  <xsd:element name="getDocumentTypes">
> >  <xsd:complexType>
> >  <xsd:sequence>
> >  <xsd:element name="epc"
> >  type="pmlidentifier:IdentifierType" />
> >  </xsd:sequence>
> >  </xsd:complexType>
> >  </xsd:element>
> >  <xsd:element name="schemaList" type="sap:schemaList" />
> >  <xsd:element name="attribute" type="sap:xmlType" />
> >  <xsd:element name="epcList" type="sap:epcList" />
> >  <xsd:element name="success" type="sap:successType" />
> >  </xsd:schema><!-- End element declarations for StaticProfile wsdl-->
> >  </wsdl:types>
> >  <!-- Start Wsdl Messages -->
> >  <wsdl:message name="authenticationMessage">
> >  <wsdl:part element="auth:AuthInfo" name="AuthInfo" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="addAttributeDataIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:addAttributeData"
> >  name="addAttributeData" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="addAttributeDataOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:success" name="success" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="getAttributeDataIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:getAttributeData"
> >  name="getAttributeData" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="getAttributeDataOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:attribute" name="attribute" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="setAttributeDataIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:setAttributeData"
> >  name="setAttributeData" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="setAttributeDataOut">
> >  <part element="static:success" name="success" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="deleteAttributeDataIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:deleteAttributeData"
> >  name="deleteAttributeData" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="deleteAttributeDataOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:success" name="success" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="getEPCSWithAttributeIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:getEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  name="getEPCSWithAttribute" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <message name="getEPCSWithAttributeOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:epcList" name="epcList" />
> >  </message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:deleteEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  name="deleteEPCSWithAttribute" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:success" name="success" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="getDocumentTypesIn">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:getDocumentTypes"
> >  name="getDocumentTypes" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <wsdl:message name="getDocumentTypesOut">
> >  <wsdl:part element="static:schemaList" name="schemaList" />
> >  </wsdl:message>
> >  <!-- End Wsdl Messages -->
> >  <wsdl:portType name="StaticAttributeProfile">
> >  <wsdl:operation name="addAttributeData">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:addAttributeDataIn"
> >  name="addAttributeDataInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:addAttributeDataOut"
> >  name="addAttributeDataOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getAttributeData">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:getAttributeDataIn"
> >  name="getAttributeDataInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:getAttributeDataOut"
> >  name="getAttributeDataOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="setAttributeData">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:setAttributeDataIn"
> >  name="setAttributeDataInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:setAttributeDataOut"
> >  name="setAttributeDataOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="deleteAttributeData">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:deleteAttributeDataIn"
> >  name="deleteAttributeDataInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:deleteAttributeDataOut"
> >  name="deleteAttributeDataOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getEPCSWithAttribute">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:getEPCSWithAttributeIn"
> >  name="getEPCSWithAttributeInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:getEPCSWithAttributeOut"
> >  name="getEPCSWithAttributeOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="deleteEPCSWithAttribute">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:deleteEPCSWithAttributeIn"
> >  name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:deleteEPCSWithAttributeOut"
> >  name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getDocumentTypes">
> >  <wsdl:input message="static:getDocumentTypesIn"
> >  name="getDocumentTypesInput" />
> >  <wsdl:output message="static:getDocumentTypesOut"
> >  name="getDocumentTypesOutput" />
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  </wsdl:portType>
> >  <wsdl:binding name="StaticAttributeProfileSoapBinding"
> >  type="static:StaticAttributeProfile">
> >  <soap:binding style="document"
> >  transport=""; />
> >  <wsdl:operation name="addAttributeData">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/addAttributeData"
> > />
> >  <wsdl:input name="addAttributeDataInput">
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="addAttributeDataOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getAttributeData">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/getAttributeData"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="getAttributeDataInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="getAttributeDataOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="setAttributeData">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/setAttributeData"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="setAttributeDataInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="setAttributeDataOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="deleteAttributeData">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/deleteAttributeData"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="deleteAttributeDataInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="deleteAttributeDataOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getEPCSWithAttribute">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/getEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="getEPCSWithAttributeInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="getEPCSWithAttributeOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="deleteEPCSWithAttribute">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/deleteEPCSWithAttribute"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="deleteEPCSWithAttributeOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  <wsdl:operation name="getDocumentTypes">
> >  <soap:operation
> > soapAction="urn:epc:specification:interchange:EPCIS:StaticAttributeProfile:xml:wsdl:1/getDocumentTypes"
> >  style="document" />
> >  <wsdl:input name="getDocumentTypesInput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  <soap:header message="static:authenticationMessage"
> >  part="AuthInfo" use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:input>
> >  <wsdl:output name="getDocumentTypesOutput">
> >  <soap:body use="literal" />
> >  </wsdl:output>
> >  </wsdl:operation>
> >  </wsdl:binding>
> >  <wsdl:service name="StaticAttributeProfileService">
> >  <wsdl:port
> > binding="static:StaticAttributeProfileSoapBinding"
> >  name="StaticAttributeProfileSOAPPort">
> >  <soap:address
> >  location="http://[XXX]/static/StaticAttributeProfile"; />
> >  </wsdl:port>
> >  </wsdl:service>
> >  </wsdl:definitions>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Ajith Ranabahu

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