Sorry to bother everyone with this. I believe this is an issue with Netbeans. With this particular project, I had tried the Web Service client stuff that is built into Netbeans, and got tired of using it. (There are not too many examples on how to use it.)

I deleted the Web Service Client from Netbeans project, and started using the Axis Generated Objects. Netbeans seems to have not regenerated its ClassPath used to show Context Sensitive help.

I created a New netbeans project with the same Axis Objects and everything worked the first time.

Thanks, for the response.  I really like Axis, by the way.

robert lazarski wrote:

Seems like you are using databinding. If so post the wsdl and maybe we can help. A stack trace may help too.


On 5/5/06, *Scott Carr* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I am having an issue with running a Function that returns an Array.

    I have a function called returnContacts that returns an array of
    Contact.  The return type from Axis built objects is ArrayOfContacts.

    If I try to use the ArrayOfContact type, I get an error when I run the
    function saying NoSuchMethodError.

    If i try to set the return type to Contact[] then I get a compile

    ContactsLocator locScen = new ContactsLocator();
                 ContactsSoap servScen = locScen.getContactsSoap (new

                 ArrayOfContact arrContact =
    servScen.returnContacts(m_ticketId.getTicketID(), "Test");

    What am I doing wrong?

    Scott Carr
    Documentation Co-Lead

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